I thought I would share my list of sources for online instruction manuals and service manuals. I clicked all these links today to make sure they are still active, doesn't mean they will be tomorrow! These are links to Singer manuals, next time I will dust off my links to other manufacturers.
Singer No. 15
Singer 15K
Instructions for using Singer sewing machines 15-88 and 15-89
Instructions for using Singer Sewing Machine 15-91
Instructions for using Singer sewing machines of class 24 one needle single thread chain stitch for manufacturing.
Singer Sewing Machine No. 27. / Vibrating shuttle number 2.
Singer 99k
Instructions for using Singer sewing machine no. 115
Singer 127 & 128 manual
Instructions for Using Singer Sewing Machine 195k / http://www.parts.singerco.com/IPinstManuals/195K.pdf
Instructions for using Singer Sewing Machine 201
Instructions for Using Singer Sewing Machine no 206
Instructions for using Singer Sewing Machine no. 301
Instructions for using Singer Sewing Machine no 404
Instructions for Using Singer Sewing Machine no 431
Instructions for Using Singer Sewing Machine no 503
Service Manual Singer 66, 99, 185. /
Adjuster's Manual Singer 15-91
Adjuster's Manual for Singer 206k25 /
Swing Needle Service Manual Models 306, 319, 401
Service Manual for Models 620, 625, 626, and 628
Wow ! Just purchased a secondhand 503 today, works but there is no manual. Thx.
Hi Ed - You show a picture of the 101 manual but no links for it. the smithsonian has a link but it just has a few pages. is there a digital copy anywhere for free?
Thanks for sharing your list!
- Peggy peg7larson at gmail
Hi Ed,
Thanks for a great listing of online manuals. Great way to share free sites with others. I will add this link to my blog so others can share in your "wealth" of information.
fantastic - thank you for sharing these links with us !
Thank you very much for your sharing! I'm just trying to repair my Singer 319!
You are VERY welcome! I am just glad you can use them and enjoy them. Good luck on your Singer 319 -
Thanks sew much...
I've been scouring the net for a 401 service manual.
Ebay had one for $30.00.
Thanks to your link, I got it for $0.
You blog is certainly an asset to the hobbyist sewing community.
Hi Dusty - glad you found the link and thanks to many sewing friends who find and share them. No reason to pay for a manual if you don't need to.
Have fun with your 401! I love using mine.
I found a Singer 500 Slant-o-matic and a 717 Scholastic...I need mauals for both and I've been searching the web for days. Any suggestions aside from buying? I am getting desperate. Thanks. GREAT thing your doing here...
Laura, I did a quick search of the net (and others I have scanned) and do not find a free manual for either one. Singer at www.singerco.com does offer both for sale.
Anyone who might know of a link to either Singer manual that is free - let me know and I will add to the list. Great to share those freebies out there!
can i have help?
i cant seem to tread the bobbin on my singer 502? can anyone help
Hi Anthony,
I do have a scanned copy of the manual I can send to you. Send me an email at charlene@thesewbox.com
Great blog! Thanks for the info on the 301. I just got one off ebay and cant wait to tear into it! Does anyone have a 301 service manual??? Thanks in advance!
Congratulations on your "new" Singer 301. You will love it! I keep mine busy all the time, especially around holiday gift making time. I have a list of free manuals at http://www.thesewbox.com/free_singer_machine_manuals.html
Look down the page for the 301. I don't have a service manual, but maybe someone else will post a link. They are available for sale if you do an internet search.
Have fun!
I do have the 301 Adjuster's Manual in pdf, but you are too shy to provide your email address, so I don't know where to send it to.
Thanks Ed! Hopefully they will see the post and send you a quick email! You are just super to help all these people with their machines.
I need an instruction book for the embroidry attachment for Singer 6268 sewing machine. Can anyone help me?
i will look through my items Freda and hoping someone will read this and find one for you. I have never used it so can't even give some hints.
Anyone that has a manual to share copies of, contact Freda or me at charlene@thesewbox.com OR if you can give her some tips.
Help! I bought a Singer 401A a couple of weeks ago...just ried it yesterday...The red lever will not move to the left. I really could use a repair manual.
Thanx Ed for the wonderful links..
I'm searching for a service manual for an old Touch & Sew 750, I think the info I found with your links will help :)
kinda hoping someone can help me, I'm looking for a singer 3013 or singer 3003 manual. if anyone has one? please
I was very grateful to find a manual for the Singer No. 27 which I got from my grandmother.
Does anyone know where I might find the instruction book for the accessories?
I am looking for a Singer 518 instruction manual. Any ideas?
Haven't found a free one, you can order one directly from singerco.com for $15, or SewUSA.com for $10 plus shipping, or sewing-machine-manuals.com for $21 incl shipping. - Ed
Hi there,
What excellent info there is here. Do you happen to know where I might find a manual for the wonderful 306K that I recently acquired?
Thanks :-)
can some one please tell me where i can find a servce manual for a 366k-255 heavy duty singer industrial single needle sewing machine. if any one out there knows of one or has one or where i can get one. please email me at darmbrust520@gmail.com thanks
I am looking for a Singer 301 Adjuster Manual. Does anyone know where I can download one?
First-time post for me. I've been searching for SERVICE or ADJUSTER'S MANUALS for my Singers: 201, 15-91, 301A, 401A and 185K. If anyone has links to any of those, I'd be most appreciative of your steering me in the right direction. As a note, the ISMAC link for a 201 Adjuster's Manual is broken. Thanks much.
Billabong, See the last few lines of my original post in this section for links to 15-91, 185, and 401 Adjuster/service manuals. 201 and 301 ajusters manuals can be found in the "Files" section of the Wefixit Yahoo Group. -Ed
hi need a manual for a 96ksv7 industrial please thanks fred ps. does it have another number i could try useing to find one
The letter 'k' indicates your machine was manufactured in the UK and the 'sv' means "Special Version". I know of no way to tell what has been modified to make your machine an sv-7. Begin with the manuals for the 96 series machines at http://www.parts.singerco.com/IPinstManuals/ and see if any of them come close enough for you to use. If not, you might have to contact Singer. -Ed
I need some help.
I just purchased a used 403A, and it runs fine, just needs some cleaning and maintenance.
When I brought the machine home I noticed the previous owner had taped down the slide plate. I took off the tape and the plate wouldn't stay on. The plate spring wouldn't fit and was loose. I located the spring screw and noticed is was threaded through case, and "buggered" up. I was able to loosen it and remove the spring, but can't figure out how to remove the spring screw for replacement, without what looks to be removing many parts.
Any ides on replacing the spring screw?
Don't see how you could get to that spring without removing the hook. When the hook is replaced, it will need to be timed. If you are up to the task, there is a service manual at http://parts.singerco.com/IPsvcManuals/306W25.pdf that covers 306, 319, and 401. Hook timing for the 403 is identical to the 401. -Ed
Hi Ed, Such a helpful site! A friend gave me a singer patented 10/10/1911 & 6/14/1910 G4707277. Is this a model 27 or 127? Could not tell by looking at the manuals.
I will be taking it apart to clean since it appears to have signs of dried oil residue, any helpful hints? Also where do I find the long type bobbins? I only have one. Also I have a set of Griest Rotary Attachments. Will they adapt to the shank? Thanks for sharing and all the efforts!
Cindy from S. Calif.
Thank you so much. This is so very useful!!!!
Have inherited Singer model 258 "made in Italy", but have no manual. Any info would help, thanks.
My Boyfriend bought me 2 older singers off e-Bay for Christmas. They are bothe Heavy duty and one is supposed to be for sewing leather.(which I do a lot of covering of boat seats). Anyway cannot find the model number. But I do have serial numbers on both. They are :
AE747403 & AJ248014. How can I get the model number to find my manuals ?
Congrats on your machines! To find the model go to the Singer site. The direct web address for serial numbers is:
Thank you for posting where to find a 301 Adjusters Manual.
I took a Singer Fashionmate 237 - the tan version with droppable feed dogs - to be used at my church but can't get the needle to stay in the clamp. It looks like the needle groove is too deep. Can you help?
Consulted a sewing sales/repair person who looked up the Fashionmate 237. A tiny springy "jib" is missing from the groove. It is held by the clamp and fills half the groove, with enough curve to gently grasp the clamp end of the needle to hold it in place when first inserted, and the clamp squeezes the jib against the needle to keep it in place while sewing. About the size of a finger nail clipping.
Next question: where to get one?
Thanks for the singer manuels, I have a EJ237600, 99K and I cannot get the bobbin assembley out to clear a knot of material stuck there. I think now I will be able to clear the knot and get the machine running again. Other than the jam in the bobbin asslemby it's in good condition and worked up until the jam occurred. It was given to me by a coworker for my daughter in law who will be learning the basics of sewing. Thaks again
The Singer 502 manual can be found here:http://barbs02.blogspot.com.au/
I posted it so anyone can use it.
Ed, you mentioned you had a PDF for the Singer 301? Is it the
Adjusters Manual for Singer Electric Sewing Machine 301.
If so, would I be able to download a copy?
thanks so much!
I need a service or repair manual for a singer 72w19 hem stitcher not the owners or parts manual. I've looked all over but can't find one. Can anyone help me? Dean
Was looking for a manual for a Seamstress sewing machine .Name Predom is also printed on her Could you help Many Thanks Mary
yq, I do have that manual. I would email to you, but you have chosen not to divulge your email address. You might try the Yahoo Vintage Singer Group file section. -Ed
Any manuals for Junker & Ruh sewing mashine, please?
Thanks a lot!
Firstly, I have found this to be great info many thanks,
Please has anyone got a link to/ got a copy of a service guide for a singer 328k and also a 411G
Many thanks in advance Sarah
Hi, I'm looking for a manual for a 31-15 Singer Industrial Sewing Machine, any help would be greatly appreciated, my email address is tattooherb@aol.com
My quilter gave me a EA 605 Rex Baby Lock serger, but didn't have a manual.. Any help? Thanks in advance. Janis
I need as much information about Singer 6-16 as possible. This machine was designed for sewing buffing wheels. Thanks in advance.
Sukkhi, I cannot find any more information on the internet than you already have - a picture of the machine and the purpose it was designed for. I will look through my paper manuals when I get home but I don't think I have any for machines that old. -Ed
Anonymous, The U.S. Singer website does not list either 784 or 967. What country were they manufactured in? -Ed
Thank you for this info I have an electrical 15K could not find enough information to use it.I was able to find 2 booklets with the help I needed.
Thank you
Do you have an electronic version, or know of a source for a free download, of the service manual for a Singer model 101?
Thanks for your assistance.
Daniel, The only online 101 manual I know of is the instruction manual from Singer at http://www.singerco.com/uploads/download/5ca5b5bf09dcfd3c76dc6d45f2a94ffa6bbd9e18.pdf -Ed
Thank you for this information. The parts/adjustment manual for the 66/99/185 is just what I needed to check the oscillating hook timing.
Most grateful to you for the work you have obviously put into this site :) Roger.
This is a great site. I am hoping someone can tell me where to find a Singer 191J manual. I am new to sewing and was given this machine for free, now I just need to learn how to use it. Thanks.
Here is a link to a free 191K manual, it should work for your 191J, also.
Thank you for this site (all and whomever responsible). I copied your singer 15-88 user manual as it appears to be a close match for our latest acquisition:a Singer 15C
treadle made in Brazil, cabinet and pedal made in Mexico. I have so far not found this item mentioned on the web but thought perhaps the data would be of interest to someone...
-c duncan
Thank you very much. From Greece
Ed :Thank you for the link for the 191k, I was given a 191J and the information was very helpful
My daughter has been given a Singer 3013. No manual. 1 foot 1 needle. Would you have the page that the accessories & feet are shown so we know what to look out for please? Also is there a service manual for this machine? Many thanks.
Thank you VERY much! Today I was trying to use my old grandma's singer and it was impossible to make it work. That made me so sad, but I'll give it a try again and again 'till it works, and now with the instructions it'll be easier! I hope the words on them are not very difficult because my english is not very good, but I think I will never find de instructions in spanish, so let's make an effort so I can translate them. Thank you very much, again!
Some Spanish language manuals are available. If you tell me the model number of your machine, I will help you search. If you don't know model number, the serial number will help to identify. My gmail address is oldsewingmachines -Ed
Any assistance on instruction manual in Spanish for Singer 503 would be appreciated.
Hi there, thanks for the post :) am needing to find info on the singer 42-1 can anyone please advise. Thanks
The only thing I find is a parts list at http://www.parts.singerco.com/IPpartCharts/42-1_4_8.pdf
The machine looks like a 31-15 with a larger shuttle, bobbin, and bobbin case and wheel presser instead of a presser foot. Designed for sewing leather. -Ed
I am in desperate need of an adjusters manual for the class 101 machine (101-2 to be exact) and google keeps bringing me here because of your image choice at the top. It got me so excited that I finally found it after I've been looking non stop for 2 weeks.
With that said, do you happen to have one after teasing us with the image?? My husband and I are completely stuck on what to do right now without one.
Thank you!
I have the first 20 pages of the 101 Adjuster's manual. The entire book used to be on the Smithsonian website and I downloaded 20 pages but when I went back to finish the job, the file was reduced to four pages (our tax dollars at work). My copy is in 20 individual files. If you tell me what you are having problems with and that is covered in the pages I have, I can email you a few pages. I also have a hard copy 201 service manual that I could scan a few pages of if the 201 is the same as the 101 where you are having issues. My gmail address is OldSewingMachines. -Ed
Thanks Awesome!!! I restore old furniture and was given a 625 from a friend. I hope it doesn't turn into a nightmare of a project to repair.
Ed, I have a 746 singer with a french manual. do you know where I can get an english copy?
I can't find a manual for a 746 but it looks very much like a 750. I would download the free 750 manual from singerco.com and see if it won't work for your 746. -Ed
hi I am trying to find a manual for a 591D305A Industrial singer sewing machine manual. Can anyone help please. Thanks
I need an illustration of how to insert the bobbin in my 206 K Industrial Singer. I can't get the vertical bobbin in its case in the proper direction. Have used it for years without an instruction manual, but can't get it seated right today.
There is a 319 manual at
The 319k uses the same hook and bobbin configuration as your "industrial" 206k. -Ed
Thanks so much! I just came across a 15D-88, but tha manual is in Hungarian! I am glad to know the Hungarian names for the machine parts if I need repairs, but I am very happy to have English reference material. You wrote the K in the model number means UK manufacture, I assume D in the model numbers refers to the German factory?
Thanks for you resources!
Hi Ed, Need an manuals for Singer Sewing Machine 237 and an Brother Vistamatic sewing machine.
Charlene from South Africa
I can't help with the Brother manual but for the Singer, go to www.singerco.com; select "Support and Resources"; select "Instruction Manuals"; enter "237" in the block and download your free manual from Singer. Ed
Thanks for the site and info.
Great to find the unique stuff
So I just picked up an older Singer Sewing machine on craigslist. I don't know anything about them. I am trying to find out which model I have so that I can look up the correct manual. Can anyone help me identify it? The metal plate on the back says:
CAT. NO. BA 3-8
S. S. AU 52-17-1
Any help in this regard will be greatly appreciated!!
Hi folks!
I've just been going through the comments here in search of an adjusters or service manual for my 301.
I'm a quilting fiend and put both my 301 and my Featherweight through their paces. I'd love to be able to service them myself... mostly because I adore them, and want them to "know" that!
Right now my 301 has some issues with the mechanism to adjust the presser foot, which is affecting everything else... feeding, proper stitch formation, etc... and I've been fiddling to no avail. I'm hoping a service manual will reveal something new. (It's also missing the numbered dial on the thread tension adjustment, but that's not impairing functionality.)
Ed, I see that you have said that you do have a file of what I need... as far as I can tell, my e-mail should be accessible to you... and I would GREATLY appreciate receiving a PDF when you have the time.
If there's anything I can barter for your kindness, please let me know!
Kindest regards to all.
Cricket, I don't have access to your email unless you are a follower of my blog. You can email me at my gmail address, OldSewingMachines. If you include a photo of your tension assembly, I will look through my parts bin to see if I can provide the missing dial. -Ed
Anyone know where I can get a repair/service manual for a Singer 201 and a repair/service manual for the Singer 99 motor??
I think it’s best to call your local sewing machine store and ask them, or maybe do a Google search in your area… Good luck!
Singer 201 Service Manual:
I have never seen a manual for the 99 motor. -Ed
There is a Using and Adjusting manual for 52W19, 52W21, 52W22 machines at
The parts list at
has a picture of the 52W7 and I think it is close enough to the 52W19,21,22 that you should be able to use the 52W19,21,22 for using and adjusting your 52W7.
I have dozens of industrial manuals not listed on the Singerco site but that ain't one of them.
Hi I've bought a Singer treadle 66 when I was a student to use as a desk, but with a sewing machine as a bonus all for £10. That was in 1983 and I still love it. I've just bought a tin case of accessories but no idea how to use them and what each is for. My manual does mention a couple of them. Any ideas of how I find out?
Great site by the way!
Best regards
Belinda Davenport
I've been told my Singer Redeye Electric Portable sewing machine is a model 66-1, and that I should be looking for a manualfor a 66-18. So far, I haven't found this one. Is there a free source on here? If not, where would be a starting place to look? This information came from Singer.com, thank you in advance.
I just received two Singer sewing machines, a 401G and a 411G. I have the users manuals for both that came with the machines. I've checked many places online and can't find parts manuals or adjusters manuals for either.
Any place you know of that I might find any of those?
Need manual for singer 227m...thank you
While cleaning old stuff this week, I found an original Form K1810 "Instructions for Using Singer Sewing Machines No. 99". It's in like new condition. I was going to put it in the recycle bin but thought maybe it would be of use or interest to someone out there. If you'd like to have it, I'll be happy to put it in an envelope and mail it to you, gratis - it just seems too nice to discard. You can contact me at jerryamato82@gmail.com
I have just been given an old electric singer sewing machine EF049932. catalogue B.U.K 12E. I would like to have the manual for this machine. Im not sure if Im threading it correctly and when I try to sew it disengages so I have to turn the wheel by hand..
Thanks a lot. I found an old 66 (SN JA 509020) downhere in Brazil. No idea how the machine came!!!! But i know sooner she will be sewing again. Thanks again!!!!
I have just been blessed with a 1924 Singer 99. I'm confused to which instruction manual I need. Please help. Thank you, Rochelle
Hi Ed. I have a singer professional model 20-33.
Haven't been able to find anything on the singer site Or anywhere else.Can you please help?
Thank you so much.
I have some 20U33 manuals, send an email to OldSewingMachines, my Gmail address, and I will fix you up.
I just bought a Singer Model 66. The gold oval plate says Singer Mfg, and on the bottom says Trade Mary. What does that mean?
I just came into a Singer model 115. It is frozen up due to rust after sitting for MANY years. I've managed to free up a couple parts but still unable to get the inter-workings free so the machine will not turn at all. Is there a service manual available which would show me how to tear the machine down completely?
I also have a 191J but the 191k manual doesn't quite match. The bobbin case in my machine is a mirror of the ones in the 191k illustrations. Also the illustrations in the K manual show the needle threaded left to right. The 191j threads right to left.
I have a Singer Treadle Machine Model No. VS2
Can you tell me anything about it. Its very old.
Is there a manual for it anywhere
Thank you for the very helpful links - they still work!
- from Singapore (Singer 15K80)
where can i get a ajusters manual for the class101 singer ? chet thanks
I've searched high and low for a service manual for the 306! Thank you thank you thank you!
Can anybody help me find a service manual for the old 15K model from 1930 ?
Did you ever get this fixed? If so what did you do? How much did it cost? I am having the same problem.
plz any one can tell me from where to get Singer 101 service manual? I NEED it so bad
Hello, can anyone help me find a service manual for a Singer 6212? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Help! Got my husband's grandma's Old Singer. AH697357 SIMANCO U.S.A.
Has a large 5 stamped in the iron undercarraige, then 125255.
What does any of this mean?
I have my grandma's sewing machine but have no idea what the model is. The motor number is 4411855 and the plate says AB791592. I don't know what the model number is or anything. How do I go about finding the correct model number to find a manual? Thank you!!
You don't specify the maker of your sewing machine. Assuming it is a Singer, that serial number crosses to a model 99 commissioned August 29, 1927.
Hi There, I inherited my moms Singer Industrial sewing machine.
Model # AD189708 I did find someone to make sure it is in working condition,
I just can not figure out how to thread it. I would like to know if there is A
Hi Ed! I just had a Singer model 66 given to me and it needs a motor belt. I have another 66 and the belt looks pretty good, so have been checking it out to learn what I need to do to replace belt. Printed out manual 66-16 and 66-18 from singer site and there is'nt any info on how to do this. Am I missing something in these manuals or do you know where I can get help to figure this out. Shirley Milbocker
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