Saturday, September 03, 2011

Auction Finds

Went to a local auction this morning and there were more sewing machines there than I have ever seen at an auction.  I counted eleven and might have missed a few.  There was one modern machine, a Kenmore 17000 series that appeared to be well cared-for.

An electric Brother in a well-worn carrying case was tempting because the machine inside was pristine. That case had done its job protecting the cargo inside.

Many of the rest of the machines were Singers, mostly 66s in average used condition but there were New Homes, Domestics, a Paveway, and some other badges I don’t remember.

How many did I end up with?  None!  This Singer 15 was the only one I thought twice about because the cosmetic condition was nearly perfect – all the paint and decals were just like they should be with minimal wear.

But I just don’t want to sacrifice any more space to another treadle machine, so I left it for one of the many Amish who were at the auction.


  1. hmmm...I'm very impressed that none of those sewing machines followed you home. Well done.

  2. I love your blog!

    I just got a Singer 15-91. The throat size on that one is about 7". I am really impressed by how great the straight stitch is, after "fixing" the machine by replacing an incorrect high-shank foot with a proper low shank foot and lubricating thoroughly.

    I am a free motion quilter. My expensive modern machine (Viking sapphire, 9" throat) has a habit of breaking needles while I FMQ, either hand held or by machine. I am loving the quilting frame, but the breakage is driving me crazy and interrupting my fun. A little of this is user error, but still, I am hoping for a more solid mechanism in a straight-stitch only machine.

    Can you suggest any vintage machines with a very large throat? (9", 10" or more) I would really appreciate any advice.

  3. christina wright9/06/2011 11:45 PM

    Hay... Ed...
    first, auctions are a blast!!!

    I found U after a necchi search, I
    have one, the registration card is
    dated 1958 I think, I'm not sure of the model #, but it is in a wood
    cabinet. I want to sell it, cus
    I have no room for it. I also found a mini plastic necchi toy I think... I can't find anything about the toy on line, what are they worth?? I will check back...
    thanks, christina in lincoln NE.

  4. That wood cabinet is in beautiful condition. That must've been a hard one to pass up :)

  5. I'm working on a Brother Precision 260 machine. It looks like the blue one you didn't buy. My case is in good condition and the machine is a beautiful turquoise. Now I'm hunting for a manual for it.

    Paid $5.00 for the machine. Love those retro looking ones. Really love them all, antique and vintage.

    So glad you have this blog.

  6. Judy, The site containing vintage Brother manuals is
    Being a ftp site, it is a bit difficult to get to. If can't get the site to load, send an email and a photo of your machine to me at StudioLUpholstery, I will go through the Brother manuals I have and see if I can find what you're looking for. -Ed

  7. hi there, I couldn't find a place where I could locate your email address or a search bar for the site. I was wondering if you knew anything about "Homemaker" sewing machines. This one happens to be pink and I'm having a hard time finding anything about it online. Please email me back if you do. Thank you, Barbi
    barbi17west at gmail dot com

  8. See my may 2006 posting titled, "Japanese Clones of the 40's, 50's, and 60's" and the associated comments. -Ed

  9. I would love a treadle for my Singer 66, how do you find out about the auctions, etc? I found it in an antique store with a "newer" case, which is still pretty beat up... I am looking into cases as well, help locating these would be helpful too! Thanks! Ashley

  10. Hey there, ive recently just inherited my Nana's cousins beautiful sewing machine, it is a treadle machine, and the brand is rotoscillo. I really want to use it, i had a little play on it today, but im really struggling to stop it from reversing all the time. Do you have any idea how to stop it?

  11. It just takes practice. With experience, you will be able to start the balance wheel at a point where, when you step on the treadle, the machine will sew forward. -Ed
