Monday, January 26, 2009

Value of an Old Sewing Machine

One of the most common questions asked of sewing machine enthusiasts is, "What is my old sewing machine worth?"

Vintage sewing machines are valued much like vintage automobiles. Just saying you have an 1891 Singer sewing machine is not enough to establish the value. Several other factors must be considered:

- Condition: Is it a rusty hulk, or shiny, showroom shape?

- Model: Each manufacturer made several machines for different pocketbooks, just as with autos, the luxury models usually retain their value better than the utility models.

- Configuration: How many drawers does the treadle cabinet have? Counting the center drawer, it could be 3, 5, or 7 drawers. Is there any fancy carving on the cabinet, or is it pretty plain? Often, the treadle cabinet is worth more than the machine itself!

- Has it been electrified by removing it from the treadle cabinet and adding a motor and foot control, or is it in its original configuration?

- Accessories: Does the machine have its instruction manual and full complement of accessories that came with it? Are there any additional accessories that were purchased later?
Then there are other issues that can affect the selling price of a vintage sewing machine:

- Location: If you live in an upscale U.S. neighborhood, probably very few buyers will be interested in an average condition old sewing machine. If you live in an area with a large number of lower income families, they might want an old, reliable sewing machine to actually sew on.

- Furniture value: If your machine is in a nice wood cabinet, some may be interested in it purely for its decorative value. Others will shy away because they don't have room for a cabinet or it does not match their décor. Some buyers will only want a portable model they can stash away in a closet when not in use.

- Shipping: If you are only willing to sell locally, your market will be limited. If your machine is small enough to ship, listing it on Ebay might bring a quicker sale and higher price.
Speaking of Ebay, that is probably the best place to research prices for old sewing machines. Look for machines of the same model and age, in the same condition. Note the accessories that come with it and see how closely your item matches the Ebay item.



  1. I have a Necchi sewing machine that belonged to my grandmother. She had it for 10 years before she gave it to my mom when I was born. My mom just passed it on to me. It is 63 years old. Works perfectly. Would like to find out how much it is worth, even though I would never part with it.

  2. The best indicator of value, in my opinion is ebay completed listings. Scan them and pick the machines that are closest to your grandmother's and you will know what a willing buyer paid a willing seller.

    Checking today, I see a BU sold for $75, another for $65. Also, one sold for $162.50 but was immediately relisted. There are several possible reasons for that, all of which remove that particular item from my calculations.


  3. We have a singer 306k which belonged to my grandmother. It still runs well and is in very good condition, am also wondering how much would it be worth?

  4. I don't see any 306 or 319 Singers in Ebay active or completed listings, so I can only guess. They enjoyed a spike of popularity a few years ago and would sell in the $75 range but with discretionary purchases down and shipping costs up, I would not expect a 306 to sell for more than $25 to $45. I have offered to give away my 306s with no takers.

  5. hi i've been looking to buy a sewing machine. i was just gunna buy a new walmart kind but i started researching and most people said that their older sewing machines work better. when i started looking up more vintage machines, i found quite a few. however, i'm not sure what i'm actually looking for. some look as though they're not even electronic! i really don't know much about vintage machines or even modern machines for that matter. i've been working with a vx-970 brother electronic which looks fairly modern compared to the vintage singers that have appealed to me. could you tell me how big of a change it is from my brother to a 1929 Singer Electric or a Singer 99 K?
    sorry for all the questions!

  6. I have an older Singer model 29 K2 sewing machine. Industrial, I believe mainly for sewing leather shoes/heavy leather. Google searching gives me too broad of a price range ($200-$2000). Was wondering if you may have an idea of what it could be worth.
    Regards Joe

  7. Based on my observations, I would say in the $300-$500 range. The only one I find in ebay completed listings sold for $355.99 and one offered for a $475 starting bid expired with no taker. They were selling for $400-$600 before the economy went sour. I paid $25 for my 29-4 at a local auction because I started the bidding at $25 expecting it to go for $100-$200. No one else bid, I might have been able to get it for $5 if I hadn't jumped the gun. - Ed

  8. I have a 1951 Admiral DeLuxe made in Japan. It is electric with 2 owners manuals including original sales price. It is in perfect condition and includes the carrying case that is in very good condition as well. As far as I know it works fine too. I am wondering what a good estimate would be on the value. I realize you can't tell me an exact price without seeing it but I'm just looking at a good starting price to sell it. I can't find any that has sold on eBay so I have nothing to compare it to. Thanks

  9. The Japanese exported millions of sewing machines to the U.S. in the decade after WWII. For the most part, they were of good quality and sew well. Unfortunately, there are still so many around that value is held down. I would expect a Japanese straight stitch machine of that vintage to sell for $10-$25. I have marked them at $5 at some yard sales with no takers. Ed

  10. I have a 1929 singer. The treadle cabinet has 7 drawers, and is in very good shape. the machine itself is in excellent condition, shiny black and gold with the sphinx decorated on the base. Would anyone know the value of one of these machines?

  11. i dont know a lot about sewing machines but i have an 1891 singer that has a motor and a light with footpedal. the motors is pulled by a rubber chord in a carrying box but sadly the paper decor cover is falling off. how much can i sell this for.

  12. I have an 1891 motorized singer sewing machine. It is in fair condition and does stillo run. Can I get some idea what I could sell it for?

  13. I just left a post about my 1891 singer sewing machine its also supposed to be one of the ones they used for demostration at thr Ohio State Fair

  14. i have a g. c. walters of philadelphia
    cast iron sewing machine with a april 1873 date. no cabinet. is it any good? any value?

  15. I am looking for an approximate date of production on a Standard Sewing Machine Company treadle machine with several patent dates between 1887 and 1896. It is in a coffin top cabinet with keys for the top and side drawers. Works good and has attachments (look like they have never been used) and original operating instructions. The Cabinet shows some signs of wear and tear but considering the age it could be a lot worse. I realize the value on this type of machine would be what I am willing to pay for it but I would be interested to find out what anyone else would consider paying for this type of machine. Standard Sewing Machine Company was bought out by Osann in 1931 so the date of manufacturer is prior to that time. Osann was later bought out by Singer.

  16. I've got an old singer, old as in at least 40s. I also have a zigzag foot that fits it but dont quite understand how to use it. I can zigzag but the tension isn't right. the japanese-english instructions say something about this that I can't understand. any ideas?

  17. I just came across a Franklin Long Shuttle sewing machine sold by Sears. It is model 117.52 from circa 1939. It seems mechanically sound, has the original drive belt and is in pretty good shape. The cabinet is a bit worn but OK. It also has the original owners manual as well as an assortment of needles and bobbins. Any idea what it might be worth?

  18. i have three old machines mid 50s to mid 60s i am guessing a new home model#270 J-A2.two tone green.a morse model#78479. and a sew mormodel#970 31213.can anyone tell me anything about them. they are in great shape to of them never used and some nice accesories.please help they my be for sale some day just want to know more about them.


  19. I have a Singer machine serial no. 2334504 which is dated to 1876. Wondering is this machine something special or run of the mill. It looks really good still, people love it.
    dribnid at

  20. Hi, I have a Singer Sewing Machine serial #AD269608 dated 1930. It has 3 drawers on each side of the treadle cabinet, plain with no designs. I have checked on Ebay and found a few, but none like mine. I'm sure it is not worth much, but I am curious if it's worth anything. Thanks, Loren

  21. No way I could even make a guess without seeing the machine in person. -Ed

  22. I have my late grandmother's Signature Sewing Machine, Montgomery Ward, Model # UHT J285B, in a cabinet/desk with 2 drawers. It is in good appearance and I know she used regularly. Can you tell me what the value would be if I were to advertise it?

  23. I have a sewing machine with Leader written on the side, and the stamp has W. Whittet Dundee on it. I have no idea about sewing machines and I cant seem to find any information on this model. I can't say if it is working, I was given it for free from a closing down art college.

  24. To Anonymous of 4/26/2012 3:53 PM, I think I can help you with your query on the 'Leader' sewing machine. William Whittet was my great-great grandfather and he manufactured and sold sewing machines in Dundee, Scotland. I can help with further information such as dates, and exact location of manufacture. I would love to see a photo of the machine too if possible! Please contact me at: Look forward to hearing from you.

    1. I'd like to know if anyone knows how to wind a bobbin on a Leader and how to thread the machine. I can't find anything on the Internet.

  25. Hi,
    I am helping clear my grandparents place and we came across a cream/brown Necchi Model 522, Made in Taiwan, 110-120V-60Hz-1A-Motor 80W-Lamp 15 W Max.
    I have been un-able to find any information about it, it is in good condition, housed in a wooden cabinet.
    Could you give me some information about how much it might be worth?
    Thank you for your help

  26. i have a sewing machine 1940 theres no label but is very very is belongs to my great great grand father..eve heard to my grandmother that theres a mixtures platinum in our sewing machine..

    ive gonna sell this

  27. We have aquired a Lada sewing machine with serial numbers, made in Czechoslovakia complete with wooden case, manual and toolkit inside base, possible 1930's? We have searched the internet but have found nothing to assist us with possible worth and history. It was rebadged as a Victor Mila for Myer department store in Melbourne, Australia as well. Can anyone help?

  28. Has anyone heard of a Hyeth sewing machine? Can't find anything on them

  29. I have a Domestic model 513 machine in mahogany cabinate, no drawers. Wondering value?

  30. I have a 1929 singer sewing machine and table with 4 side closets and 1 long front. It was my grand mother's

  31. I have a bu necchi sewing machine. It was passed down from my grandmother to my mother and now me.i am 50. It is built into a cabinet and colds in. I was wondering how much it was worth?

  32. Confused4VintageBro2/05/2013 4:29 PM

    Hi, excellent blog you have here! I've been reading it for a few hours now and have learned a lot.

    A friend of mine has a Brother Deluxe Super Streamliner. I have seen only a few listings on EBay for $89 & $99. However, the machine I would be purchasing has NOT been kept in the original case, the belt is broken, the motor is loose, there's no accessories or manual, and another friend of mine had a chance to take a look at it in person. They also informed me that there was some rust and corrosion on it. Even though I was planning on taking it in for service, I do not want to pay an arm and a leg in order to use it. Some of the rust is in the bobbin housing.

    I'm aware of how much presser feet etc will run me, as I use (new) brother machines now. What I'm curious about is... My friend is asking $70/$80 from me for the machine in this condition. After reading your posts on prices, conditions, and the mass market Japan models, do feel this is a fair asking price? And what is your opinion on the rust?

    My friend is contacting me daily about this purchase! Any input would be greatly appreciated. I will continue to look for some information. Thank you so much.

    Unfortunately my cell phone isn't letting me copy/paste the eBay listing, but you should be able to find it by searching Google with: "Brother vintage precision japan" The first eBay listing should provide the Streamliner and some pictures if needed. The one online looks dirtier, but complete with manual, accessories, and case... No rust. I'm quite confused on what to pay :(

    Sincerely, Confused4VintageBro

  33. Confused4VintageBro2/05/2013 6:49 PM

    Hi Ed, I have been doing SO much more research on the Brother Streamliner I commented on earlier. I believe its Model 260, straight stitch only. The photos the seller has sent me match this model online. I can also email photos if needed. All of the prices I come across are still in the $90 range. Except for one listing by a goodwill for $22. I notice you said a good price range for machines in the 50's, made in japan, straight stitch, go for $5-$25. Does this include industrial machines? Maybe I think its industrial and its not.. Oh brother! I think I've been reading too much! Hopefully I can delay the seller until I decide on a reasonable price. Its just money right? Lol. (And much frustration.. Ugh)


  34. I have a 1939 treadel in good condition and was trying to get a ball park figure on what it is worth

  35. Brother Streamliner - is NOT an industrial machine. Considering it is straight stitch only, I wouldn't pay more than $20. Japanese machines are very common and no one wants a straight stitcher. -Ed

  36. I have a sewing machine that says F.W.Cunz in the wrought iron on the stand and Mosella on the cover with an emblem that says Paris 1900 on the actual machine. Is there anyway to research the actual manufacture date and the value of this machine?

  37. We just purchased an old standard sewing machine. It is very ornate and came with lots of accessories and a manual that is printed on wax paper. We do not see a model number, and the only date we have found so far is 96. We are guessing that may be 1896 due it looks. It has 4 drawers and legs of detailed cast iron. What do you estimate the value could be? It is pretty beat up.

  38. i have a prncess sewing machine i dont know if it worth anything n/578 no 537 serial 76640

  39. I have recently became an owner of an Admiral Deluxe sewing machine with a Model number of 1952 and serial number of C70645. I would be most appreciative of any specifics about the machine including age and value.

  40. My aunt has a Franklin Sewing Machine in its cabinet but the cabinet is not in good shape. The maching is NOT electric. We believe it is a 1920 or 1930 model. How much is this worth? Thank you

  41. I have a 1873 Singer Treadle machine. The serial number is 988225. It is in good shape. How much is is worth?

  42. Somewhere between $5 and $400, maybe more, maybe less. There is no way of appraising a sewing machine without seeing it in person. -Ed

  43. I have a singer electric machine my moter gave me when I was a little girl it only says great britan on it it is electric and small made for children I got it in the 1960s so its about 45 yrs old have never seen one like it it works and was wondering if it was worth anything my email address is thank you regina scheele

  44. Regina, I tried to email you rather than posting your comment with an email address but after trying three different combinations of your email address, yahoo informs me that you do not have an account so I guess there's no harm in publishing your comment.

    Anyway, if you send a clear photo of your machine to my oldsewingmachines address at gmail, I will try to provide some information. especially important is the area around the stitch length lever or knob. -Ed

  45. i have a singer model 513, serial number JF 151404, very good condition, still in the hide-away table/desk with chair (chair has hidden space under its seat cushion) (desk and chair in excellent condition), have the original manual, plugged it in a seems to run very good when i push on the pedal, havent threaded it to test the stitching yet. about how much do you think it would be worth?

  46. I've got a 1954 singer not sure thats its ever been used it has all accessories and manuals as well as carrying case .....what is something like this worth?

  47. I have a 1914 Singer 66-1 Redeye with 6 drawer cabinet with treadle in poor to fair condition. (Rust on metal, decals look great, cabinet and treadle in good shape) Been in the family all these years used regularly until the last 60 years. From what I am seeing in not worth much but would hate to just trash. Any ideas where to publish to sell to collectors or to be parted?

  48. I have a singer sewing machine with the serial number starting with the letter K. I checked this and apparently it's 1902. Blue/green colour and electric. It is in mint condition, could anyone please let me know roughly how much they are worth. It also has needles, thread etc. Thanks

  49. Anonymous, I saw a similar machine (Singer 66 in fair to poor condition) sell for $55 at a local auction last night. You might try an auction house in your area. Auction buyers have an opportunity to view the items before bidding and know that any sale is as-is-where-is so any sale is final. -Ed

  50. I have a Merina M21E treadle machine. Box comes with key and has manual, is in working order. There is none on ebay any ideas how much this is worth?

  51. Hi ...
    I have a Necchi Type 525 sewing machine (made in Italy) it was my grandmother's .. Would you be able to tell me how and where is the best place to post for sale? Also .. Could you tell me how much it's worth? I can send you pics if needed... Thanks in advance

  52. Hello Ed. I have a blue colored sewing machine in a vintage hideaway sewing desk. Says Sanshin on the bottom of the machine. I have tried to research it and the best I can come up with is that it might be a American Home brand machine. It has 2 other badges on it. One says De Luxe. The other says Zig-Zag. It is electric with a knee pedal. Just wondering if you had any information about it like possible age and/or possible worth.


  53. jacky malden I also have a Czech made M21E rebranded as a beberfalds blue bird in a timber cabinet that was my mothers. I have a lot of attachments in a tin box and just the cover of the user is a chocolate brown colour and has a 240 volt motor attached although it still has the treadle system as well.

  54. I have a 1937 Singer with all attachments. It is in a cabinet and has a knee presser. It has all its decals (the machine is black and the decals are gold).
    I would also like to know the definition of antique and vintage.

  55. I believe the actual definition if "antique" is something that is at least 100 years old (there are exceptions for automobiles and some other categories). The term "vintage" is more nebulous. When tied to a specific year, like "vintage 1937", it tells the year that the item was produced. When "vintage" is not associated with a year, it actually has no meaning. People use it to refer to almost anything that is not new but not old enough to be classified as "antique" The age of the owner seems to have some influence on what is "vintage" - people in their 50's and 60's probably feel that items produced in the 30's and 40's are "vintage" while people in their 20's and 30's tag items produced in the 60's and 70's as "vintage". Personally, I feel that anything between 50 and 100 years old is "vintage". -Ed

  56. I have a Bradbury sewing machine that I am trying to find the value and information on. It looks similar to the "A1", but the base is different than most I have seen. It is still in good working condition, with some wear do to use.the foot pedal has " Dunlap Machinery Co New York" written on it. On an arm and another piece the number "99" is stamped into them and on the back of the large hand crank I found the stamping of "B" , then one line down "635 99". Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,

  57. Hi,
    I have a White treadle sewing machine in a nice wood cabinet with 4 drawers. It still has the manual, [in rough condition] and all or most of the accessories. The wood cabinet has some wear and tear but otherwise seems to be in good condition. There is a metal plate on the top, base of the machine that reads FR 2485463 and it has pattens from 1900-1913. The Machine is very ornate with gold scrollwork and has White Rotary U.S.A. printed on it. I'm wondering if you could give me an estimate of worth or any other info on this machine? I don't see any of these on Ebay. Thank you. Love the site.


  58. I have a Minnesota model "A" sewing machine on the sewing table that it came with. The machine folds under the table. how much would it be worth?

  59. Check Ebay for current selling prices. -Ed

  60. yes i have a 1930 singer sewer z1067 trying to find out how much it's worth

  61. I have a Montgomery Ward Signature UHT J277e sewing machine. I am trying to find out as much information on it as possible as it did not come with a manual. It has been very difficult to locate a manual for this machine to. By any chance do you know much about this machine, when it was made or maybe even other similar machines that I can compare to for the manual? I'm pretty sure it needs a good cleaning as well. I am a beginner and would like to just read about the machine and learn more about it before I break anything. Thanks so much for your time and anything information you can pass along.

    1. Hello Kur...I have the was purchased in sould have a container with numerous cams..sadly I lost my cams...if you are looking at the top of the machine w/ front facing you ..there's a part you lift on the right...this is where you change out your cams...release a lever and lift... my machine is still in mint condition.
      Also take it to a Sewing machine repair shop and let them service it...then start your sewing...I just found this site...
      if you ever want to sell and you have the cams...let me know... Bonnie

  62. I have a Admiral sewing machine manufactured by the Admiral Sewing Machine Co, serial no. 070645, labeled Deluxe 1952 model, Made in Japan. I have not been able to locate any information about this sewing machine. Any information such as value, etc would be much appreciated.

  63. I'm trying to sell my mom's White brand Zig-Zag model sewing machine, bought in 1969. It has the original manual, and rests in a table on wheels. I'm including the seat
    which has storage inside, as well as plates and other accessories. I had a buyer today but she and my mom just couldn't get it to do straight stiching properly. Taking it to a repair place for adjustment is impossible as it won't fit in the car, and it'll cost CAD$70 minimum. Is there any point in trying to sell it and if so, how low? Now that I know it has "an issue", I've knocked the price in half to $40. Thanks for any advice in advance....

  64. I have an Admiral deluxe model 18 serial number 513343. I am trying to find the year it was made.

  65. Anyone familar with the Model "Lenox" By De Luxe, def looks vintage, light greenish in color. Made in Japan, I've found similar models (avid seller of all! lol) But nothing on this model.. Any idea on a price? or a link to more info? it is for sale if anyones interested. Near Mint condition!

  66. I bought a brother prestige model 161 anyone know the value?

  67. Hi I have a Piedmont sewing machine made for Hudson Bay. Serial number C544450 in excellent condition. I'm not looking to sell it just curious as to the value.

  68. Hi. I would like to find out about a Leader sewing machine. Extremely nice finishing. On top in gold "The Leader Sewing Machine Company". On the front "Leader" and a plate with "Worlds best Deluxe Sewing Machine" Extremely nice finishing touches with things such as butterflies on silver.

  69. I have a late 50s to 60s model 270
    Streamliner sewing machine can you tell
    Me what it's worth.

  70. I have a 1891 industrial leather Singer sewing machine in very good condition. There are no special decorations on it. I was wondering how much it is actually worth and how to go about advertising it to the best price.

  71. can you tell me the value of singer with cabinet JB774017 please ??

  72. I have a 1951 bu necchi sewing machine that still works I have pictures if you would like to see. I'm trying to find out how much it's worth.

  73. I havery white rotary model fr 2234386 would like to know value and mfg date

  74. Hi, I have an singer 1876 year machine and it says Druid on it where it should say Singer. I can't find anything online about it. Does anyone know anything about its history?

  75. My mother owned and now my sister and I own her Singer Stylist 834 Sewing machine with electric pedal. Machine was built into and to fold up underneath and inside the cherry wood table with an attached fold out table extension. I believe the manual stated the year was somewhere around or between 1973-1975. Absolutely nothing wrong with it, barely used it at all and all parts on the machine run fluently and are original. Given the year span I provided...does anyone have an idea of this machines worth and is it considered an antique?

  76. I'm totally clueless with this found at my nans 95k40 Ee132584 in cabinet

  77. I have a 1974 Yakumo industrial straight needle sewing machine. Like brand new.Used about 20-25 times.Has table with it. Any Idea What is worth. And where I would sel it.Thank you.

  78. Have Singer 319 W's recently become more interesting to collectors? My mom got me one for about $35 when I was in junior high school (early 1970's), and when it was damaged in a move about 15 years ago, my sister found another one for me on for something under $100 that I could use as a source for spare parts. For quite some time it was very hard to find them on eBay. Now today I'm finding a half dozen of them ranging in price from $199 to over $300, plus vendors who have disassembled them and are selling the parts individually.
