Friday, December 04, 2015

Adjustable Zipper Foot

Browsing through some orphan boxes of accessories, I found a presser foot I had never seen before.  It is an adjustable zipper foot but it is different.  All my other zipper feet have one toe

This one has two toes with a slot in the middle between the toes.

It can sew on the left side

or on the right side

or straight stitch in between the toes. 

And you don't have to change the foot to sew zippers, piping, or anything else you would use a zipper foot for - just loosen the thumbscrew in the back and slide the foot to the desired position.  I can't believe that, with all my years of collecting sewing machines, I have never before seen a foot quite like this.

This provides a much better product when straight stitching because the foot spans both rows of feed dog, not only one row.  Fabric should feed straighter and more evenly with twice the feed dog contact.

I have been using this foot on my Anker RZ for all the sewing I do on that machine except zig zag. The only foot I have is high shank and the only high shank machine I have out and set up for sewing is the Anker so it was a natural pairing.

Since I like the foot so much, I searched for a source so I could add them to the inventory of my Etsy shop.  I have found them in high shank, low shank, and Singer slant shank. 

Ed's Vintage Sewing Machine Shop


  1. It does seem to be a better design for a zipper foot (and more versatile) ... I'm am glad to know it exists (and where I might find it).

  2. It's a great design. I might have to buy one.

  3. Ed,
    I purchased this zipper foot from your etsy shop and it is awesome! I love it. I'm using it on my vintage White zig zag (made in Japan). Thanks!

  4. Great foot. I'll check look for it in your Etsy shop. I have both the Anker RZ and the White version. Good machines that sew well, but heavier than sin and not the machine that I'll carry to a quilting workshop.
