Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Wanna Necchi?

I'm back after an extended period in which Blogger would not recognize my password and would not acknowledge multiple "forgot my password" pleas. I finally regained access by telling Blogger "I forgot my user ID". Maybe I will have better luck with the new Blogger?

Before I became hooked on industrial machines, my favorites were Necchis. Necchi was one of the first, if not the first, to introduce zig zag machines to the home sewer and the Supernovas of the late 1950s had decorative stitch capabilities that did not show up on most other manufacturers' machines for another decade. All you have to do is sew a short seam on a Supernova to know immediately that all the parts are flawlessly machined and fit together properly. The rotation of the balance wheel is smooth as silk and the machine doesn't make enough noise to wake a sleeping cat. Unfortunately, this precision comes at a price - there is so little space for oil between the moving parts that Necchis must be frequently lubricated to maintain their efficiency. The needlebar swivel on the zig zag models is a particularly sensitive to lack of lubrication and will freeze up tight if ignored for too long. Probably half the Necchis I have acquired had frozen needlebar swivels which took hours of oiling and persuading to get them moving freely again. I suspect this is the reason that many sewers abandoned their Necchis, the American and Japanese models of the time could sew for months or even years without being oiled.

Necchi has passed through several phases, but the machines made in Italy before the Age of Plastic are, in my opinion, the best-engineered and most well-built sewing machines ever made. The models that fit in this category are the BF, BU, Mira, Nora, Lelia, Supernova, and Lycia. Some of my Necchi collection can be seen at . Beginning with the Lydia, Necchi began experimenting with plastic gears and camstacks that have disintegrated over time and need to be replaced. A replacement plastic Lydia camstack costs over $100 - about 4 times what the machine is worth on the open market. Sometime in the 70's, Necchi started having machines made in Japan and quality declined somewhat. The Japanese Necchis are okay, but not built to the same high standards that the Italian models enjoyed. After a short time using Japanese manufacturers, Necchi moved production to Taiwan and changed from selling sewing machines to boat anchors. I can't even comment on modern-day Necchis.


  1. I just received a Necchi Supernova yesterday and I'm trying to figure out if it works. I'm having the power cord looked at to make sure I can plug it in though.

    My interest in vintage sewing machines has been piqued since getting this machine. I came to your website through a search to find parts for the machine. I'm hoping that I can continue to use you as a resource as I learn more about my machine.

    Do people use their vintage machine s for everyday sewing, or do they just have them around for show. I want to use my machine once it's fixed.

  2. FYI, I have the Supernova BU

  3. Ed
    Just got a Necchi Nora. Gray in color.I am looking for more imformation about this machine.I too am in Southern Maryland. Please email me at

  4. nik,

    Sorry to let your comment languish so long without an answer, life got in the way of my blogging and I had to lay off for a while.

    Yes, many folks use their vintage machines for everyday sewing. They find them stronger and more reliablel than new plastic machines. Another advantage is that they are simple enough to maintain at home, without needing to be sent to a shop for cleaning and adjustments. Your Supernova BU will form literally hundreds of stitches (assuming you got the cams with the machine) and should do everything you need a sewing machine to do. There is a Necchi Group on Yahoo with lots of happy Necchi users who can help with maintenance and operation questions.

  5. mike,

    I tried to e-mail you but got no response. Don't know if you received my message or not. I have been having problems lately with legitimate e-mails going to my Yahoo Bulk Folder, perhaps that's where my message went.

  6. Hello, I went and saw a Necchi BF Supernova today, in cabinet. I don't think it is for me, but if anyone wants it, let me know as it is not taken yet (I am in the Seattle, WA area).

  7. Dear Ed,

    I recently purchased a Necchi Supernova "C" free-arm machine, which was damaged in shipping. I'm looking on the web for someone who might restore it, for parts to fix it myself, or and advice on how to substitute for parts that are broken, but not finding much. Any advice/pointers to sources would be appreciated.

    One thing I've noticed on this machine is that its power supply has a very strange capacitor, which apparently has a short lifetime and is impossible to replace. I don't see that on my Necchi Julia 534 machine. Since you have so many Necchi machines, can you say which other models have these capacitors? It would seem that for a person buying an old machine it would be good to avoid those models.

  8. Dear Ed,
    I just came across your blog in my internet search. I am currently frustrated with my Necchi machine on multiple levels. I "inherited" it from my step-father and I'm beginning to think it wasn't so hard for him to give it away to me. It has been serviced multiple times and still has problems with stalling and pulling the fabric through (even the most light of fabric!). I'm ready to toss it out the window!! I can't afford a new machine right now and I just want to put up some curtains for heaven's sake! I have a Necchi model 535 FA. I hope you can help and provide some sort of defense on behalf of this sorry piece of machine.

  9. I have my mother's Lelia 514, with cabinet, tools, cams, etc. I'm thinking of selling it, but have no clue what it's worth. Can you help?


  10. to eggshelly: I'm afraid you won't find much defense of the 535FA from this source. The Necchis made in Italy were marvels of engineering. When it got too expensive to manufacture in Europe, Necchi outsourced production to Japan. The Japanese machines are good quality, but not quite up to the standard of the Italian machines. When it became too expensive to manufacture in Japan, Necchi looked to Taiwan. In my opinion, only mainland China makes sewing machines of lower quality than Taiwan. Your 535FA was made in Taiwan. Sorry.


  11. to Kathi: I have a 514 and it is a very respectable machine. Smooth, quiet, and strong, it never misses a stitch. Unfortunately, only a few of us value the vintage sewing machines, so prices remain low. I would not expect you to realize more than about $40 US for the sewing head and accessories. The wild card is the cabinet. Many people will pay more for a nice cabinet than for the machine inside. Others, who don't have space to store a sewing machine table will pass up the opportunity because the machine is in a cabinet. Try a local sale at first, possibly on craigslist and see if anyone bites for $100. Stress that the machine is italian-made and have it freshly cleaned and oiled so prospective buyers can hear how quiet it is and see the perfect stitches. You can always back down off that price if no one shows interest.


  12. My dad has a Necchi BU Nora, from his mother. It is made in Italy and has the original instruction handbook and lots of extra doo-dads. It was recently serviced and is good working condition. I am trying to find out how one goes about selling one. If anyone could could post some feedback I will check back soon. Thanks, tami

  13. If you live near a large metropolitan area, craigslist would be the easiest beacuse you would be dealing with locals and wouldn't have to ship. Another avenue is the Yahoo Necchi Sewing Machine Group - there are lots of Necchi enthusiasts on that board and one who lives not to far from you might be interested. As a last resort, ebay.

  14. I recently acquired a circa 50's Necchi Supernova which was in pristine condition (included the table, manual and supplemental manuals, box for the accessories, needles, all of the feet, all of the cams, etc). Although it was a complete machine, it was in dire need of a service. I took it to a local sew & vac, who promised he'd be able to service and return by the end of the week. After 4 weeks of phone calls and receiving the run-around, I picked up the machine only to find this dealer had completely broken the Speed Regulating Switch. Do you think I can find a replacment for this switch - or am I screwed??

    BTW - If you live in Fort Collins, CO pass on J&M Sew and Vac as they are completely incompetent and unscrupulous.

    If you have any information please contact me at

    Thanks in advance!

  15. Jennifer,

    When you say your "Speed Regulating Switch" is broken, I am assuming you mean the foot control or knee control you press to make the machine run. If so, you are in luck - any two-wire speed control will work just fine on your Supernova and the new electronic models will probably work better! Any sewing machine dealer should have a good supply of used and new speed controls. When you go shopping, take along your current speed control so the seller can swap the wiring.


  16. Hi

    I am becomimg a Vintage Sewing Machine fan and a Necchi BU is what I am after. I would like to sew canavas for my small sailboat
    niwe and slow.

    Ebay is too hyped up. How can I get a green or olive BU that does straight, zigzag and reverse?


    Thanks from JohnnyW in Canada

  17. Ed, I am wondering if Jennifer means the toggle switches?

    I have a Julia with a broken switch and would like to replace the set, do you know if a generic switch would work, and if so, do you have a source?

    I am also looking for a needle clamp for a Julia too, so if you have a part-out machine and wish to sell, please let me know.
    Thanks and thanks so much for sharing.
    Heather at
    hubdmc3 at y a h oo dot com

  18. Hey,
    Beginning sewer and came across this blog trying to find out about Necchi.
    My mom gave me a 'new' older model Necchi. It has hardly, if ever, been used since she bought many, many years ago. It is a Necchi model 523. I was trying to figure out how old it was, and if you knew where to find some instructions for it.
    Anyway thanks!
    tagrag6985@hotmail for replies

  19. tagrag6985,

    Necchi had two models designated 523. The first was manufactured in Italy 1963-1971. The second was manufactured in Taiwan 1983-1991. The two are vastly different and a manual for one would not apply 100% to the other. Check the country of manufacture, printed somewhere on the machine and let us know.


  20. Johnny,

    If you don't like Ebay, there you might try posting your desire on the Yahoo Necchi Sewing Machine Group board
    There are hundreds of Necchi owners who just might have a cosmetically challenged BU that still sews well they would let go cheap.


  21. Hi Ed,

    Thanks for the response - however the switch that is broken is not the foot/knee control. It's the switch which regulates the motor's speed - it's a switch that can be toggled between min & max motor speed.

    The switch is pale-avocado green in color. I've tried searching on eBAY to no avail. Just wondering what other resources I should tap or what's the likelihood that I'll be able to replace that broken switch.


  22. I have a necchi that says "lincoln" It's all metal (and real heavy). I didn't see this model mentioned in your blog.

    Does anyone know about this?

  23. Hi Ed, I have heard that nobody can beat the Italian made Necchi's for a perfect straight stitch, and that they will stitch through anything!

    I saw a Necchi Supernova Automatica for sale on the weekend. I am thinking of going back and doing a demo on the machine.

    First, is this a good model to choose if I am looking for a fab straight stitch? (esp. for topstitching, where quality of the stitch is HUGE...I topstitch everything from doll collars to handbags)

    Second, if I go run the thing, what should I do and what should I look for?

    Many thanks for all your help!

  24. Actually, I have never seen anyone comment (either good or bad) on Necchi's straight stitch capability. I am using a BU Mira this week, making some craft show inventory that gets topstitched and the stitch is fine in my opinion, but you may have higher standards, making smaller items such as doll clothes.

    The Supernovas are the best machines Necchi ever made. They are all metal for strength and reliability, have two-speed motors for more precise sewing, and capable of hundreds (maybe thousands) of utility and decorative stitches. All this from machines made in the 1950s and early 1960s.

    Things to look for:

    - The machine should be VERY quiet and smooth-running. Supernovas are made with such precise tolerances that everything fits together perfectly and there are no clunks or rattles.

    - Make sure the zig zag stitch works. Because Supernovas have such tight tolerances, only a small amount of corrosion is enough to freeze up the needlebar and prevent it from swinging back and forth. A frozen needlebar indicates that the machine has not been serviced or used for a prolonged period.

    - Look for a full set of accessories. The multi-layer cams can cost $30 to replace on eBay.

    - Make sure a set of instruction manuals is included. Setting up the cams for decorative stitches can be a bit complicated if you have never used the Necchi system before.

    - As with any sewing machine purchase, look for rust - anything other than a light coat of surface rust can ruin a sewing machine.

    - Take the type(s) of fabric and thread you plan to use and test them on the machine. That's the only way to be sure you get the performance you desire.

    Good Luck,

  25. Thanks for that Ed! Last night I also turned up a listing for a BU Mira (with all its bits), which looks to be in far better condition than the Supernova I was looking at (which has no bits). Do you have a high opinion of the Mira's as well?

    Thanks again Ed, this is all new to me and I appreciate the expert advice!

  26. I sew only simple items and rarely have need for anything more than straight stitch and zig zag. For that reason, I prefer the BU Mira. It's simpler to use and has all the fine qualities of all Italian Necchis. However, if I sewed items that required utility or decorative stitches, the Mira can only form a few of those IF it has the optional Wonderwheel. I would have to opt for the Supernova in that instance.


  27. Thanks Ed! I only want the Necchi for straight stitch, so I will check it out tomorrow. Got a bunch of samples where I sewed a seam on my machine and will compare what the Mira does. I will let you know what happens!

  28. Ed, I bought that Mira...$100 for it, all the original accessories are there, incl. WonderWheel, cams, kneelift AND it is in its original cabinet, which it folds into. It ran like a top, the stitch was lovely, and the zig zag works. It was the seller's mother in law's and has been recently refurbished. It's crowded in my sewing room now for sure, but what a lovely machine!

  29. Hi Ed...I just got a Necchi BU Nora last week from an elderly neighbor who was moving away. She knows I love vintage machines and I mostly have old Singers such as the 301s and FW. I wasn't too excited to get this machine until I found your blog and now I can't wait to sit down and sew with this. It looks to be in very very good condition and my husband cleaned and oiled it for me. Do you think we should take it to a sewing machine person to have it gone over professionally?

    I am lucky to have the original manual with it and it looks like most of the "stuff" is with it, however there was only ONE bobbin! I can't imagine sewing with just one bobbin and wonder where and what kind to get for this, since I am only used to the old Singers. Also, we were looking at the little light bulb and it does not look like any I have ever seen. Is a replacement hard to find? I am also wondering how hard it is to sew a 1/4" seam allowance since I do much quilt sewing on a nearly daily basis.

    Thank you in advance for any information you can give me. I have now put your blog under "Favorites", it is very interesting!

  30. more comment about the Necchi machines. My husband and I were at the local St. Vincent de Paul thrift shop yesterday...I happened to see a newer model Necchi for the astounding price of $220! I whispered to my husband (after being informed by your blog of course) that this was just a boat anchor and it was certainly not worth the price they were asking, since it was not made in Italy. Thank you so much for educating me about some of the brands that I am not too familiar with.

    I bought a Riccar 777 machine at another thrift shop last week for $16 and it was not working well, plus the bobbin winder was broken. Luckily this shop will take items back for store credit so we returned it. I bought it on an impulse and was disappointed at the way it sewed (very noisy and clunky) and after my husband had gone over the Necchi and then the Riccar, he said he could tell a big difference between the two, with the Necchi being highly superior to this Riccar. Maybe the machine we got was just a lemon and they are good machines but I was relieved to take it back to the store. Yesterday we bought a Singer 401a, which I am not familiar with but it looked so much like the 301 machines I had that I could not pass it by. There is no manual with this machine and I am wondering where I could get one.

    Now even my husband is getting into the thrill of the hunt and the fun of vintage sewing machine collecting. He is always on the lookout for me now. Another couple wanted this machine but they had walked away and seemed uninterested, but when we approached and decided to purchase, they suddenly turned quite nasty and were making remarks aimed towards us. Well...if they really wanted it they would have stayed with it and bought it!

  31. Marigold,

    You scored well with the Nora. It is one of the "good" Necchis. I hope you got the cams to make the decorative stitches, they are quite difficult to replace. The Nora uses standard Class 15 bobbins, available at Wal-Mart, Jo-Ann Fabrics, and anywhere else sewing machine notions are sold. The light bulb is not as common, but go to an auto parts store and look for a 12 volt Volkswagen dome light. It is identical to the Necchi lights. I wouldn't worry about taking the Nora in for servicing, unless you run across a problem you can't solve yourself. Keep it clean and oiled and it should outlast you and your children. You could join the Yahoo Necchi Group to get advice from hundreds of other Necchiphiles.

    I am surprised at the price for a used sewing machine at St. Vinnies, I have always regarded them to be the most reasonably priced thrift shop. Must vary by location. I picked up a beat-up Singer 99 at a Goodwill once, priced at $20. Even though I thought that was a bit high, considering the condition, I was in a dry spell and coughed up the $20 bill. When I checked out, the manager said, "Is there a sewing machine in that table?" I told him there was and he said he thought it was just an empty table and had priced it accordingly. Wonder what it would have cost if he had known?

    Your 401 is another good score, that is one of Singer's best. They routinely sell for over $100 on eBay. I don't know of a place to download a free 401 manual, but there is a 431 manual at that should be close enough to get by. Also, check my article on "Singer Online Manuals" for a link to the service manual that covers the 401, you never know when you might need it.


  32. Ed.... thank you for the information on the machines. I just knew we got a great deal and when I looked closer at what came with the 401 I saw that indeed there is a manual, although it is very worn and missing the first page. I was thrilled and looked through it, am glad to see it basically is similar to running a 301 so I won't have to learn to use something complicated. There are a few bobbins with this machine, what kind does it use, are they the same as the Necchi (class 15)?

    There are no cams with the Necchi, unfortunately. It appears that this particular Nora does not even use cams. Were there some made to use them and some not to? It clearly says on it that is a Necchi BU Nora made in Italy, so I know I don't have an inferior machine.

    How do I get on the Yahoo Necchi list? Do you know if it is a high-volume list?

    We have several thrift shops in our area but SA is really really awful and we never find much there. The Goodwill is about the same. St. Vincent is not too bad and every so often I'll find something....yesterday they had three machines; the Necchi, an ancient beat up Singer that I was not interested in and some other very old machine which brand I have never heard of. I have a Singer 99 and seldom use it, I like the others so much better. Now that I know what a wonderful machine the Necchi is I am really glad the neighbor lady gave it to me.

    The best thrift shop here is the one that does take things back and it is just a wonderful place. You could go there several times a day and find new things, they have cars and trucks full of donations driving through all the time and the employees work so hard to get things out on the shelves. It is a terribly addictive place!! But the proceeds go to a very good cause. Earlier this summer I found a very nice 301 machine there and did end up taking it in for servicing because it needed some work done on it but the machine was only $15. I am still waiting for the time that perhaps I might find a FW there...haaa.

  33. I was lucky to find a Necchi Bu Mira and just love it. It came with the wonder wheel but the rods are missing.

    Do you have some for sale or know where I might be able to find them?


  34. Those Wonderwheel rods often go astray. I don't have any extras, but would be glad to trace a set of mine and e-mail to you so you can bend your own. I haven't tried that yet, but it shouldn't be too difficult. Home stores have steel rod the same diameter and common household tools should be all that's necessary.

    You could also try asking on the Yahoo Necchi Sewing Machine Group, someone there might have extras.


  35. I have a Necchi BU sewing machine and I am trying to find out what it is worth. Does anyone know how I can find this out without it costing me alot of money.

  36. Hey Ed,

    So I JUST got into sewing... I've been hand sewing softies for friends and family and decided to take the plunge and buy a machine. I mentioned it to my grandmother and she offered me her mint condition BF Mira. (It's a total beauty, and the cabinet is equally awesome.)

    I have the instruction manual (also a beauty) and I have turned it "On." (The Light works!) Shame, I know little else on how to work the darn thing. (I have a seamstress friend who's coming to look at it tomorrow, and a shop to take it to.)

    Can you tell me anything about the BF series? Pros, cons, anything? Can a new sewer learn on such a beast? (a beautiful beast!)

  37. Hi Ed my name is Stephanie, and I just received a Necchi Bu Nora yesterday from my boyfriends grandmother. She said that her sister made a lot of clothes with it and it has all these different attachments with it including a twin needle. I have NO clue about how to use a sewing machine, let alone this one. The power cord is dry rotted and i need to find a replacement. So that i can start using it right away. I'm so excited about having this machine. And by all the great things you have said about it makes me even more anxious to use it. Could you please!!!! give me some information and advise on where i might find a replacement cord???

    Thanks, Steph

  38. "I have a Necchi BU sewing machine and I am trying to find out what it is worth."

    I normally consult eBay completed sales when I want to know the potential selling price of anything. In this case, it wasn't much help. A BU sold for $100; a BU Supernova sold for $60; a BU received bids of $46 but did not sell; and a BU Mira sold for $9.95. There are two active auctions for Necchi BUs, one BU with a starting bid of $49.95 and a BU Mira with a starting bid of $19.00. Neither has any bids at this writing.

    So, I guess your answer is somewhere between $9.95 and $100! I would expect a local sale to be midway between those numbers - somewhere in the $35 to $55 range.


  39. Carrie,

    Congratulations on your acquisition! The Mira is possibly my favorite Necchi. The BF is a straight-stitch-only machine and the BU is capable of zig-zag stitches. The BF is built to the same quality standards as the BUs and certainly is adequate to learn to sew on. If it has been sitting for an extended period, the oil has probably dried up and will need to be renewed. The instruction manual will show you where to oil, use sewing machine oil from a fabric shop, Wal-Mart, or quilt shop or Tri-Flo from a bicycle shop. Do NOT use WD-40 or 3-in-1 oil. Let us know if you have any problems.


  40. Hi Ed -

    We have a vintage Necchi Lydia (we believe it is from the 50's or 60's). According to my husband, it is attached to a custom sewing table. It works great, has numerous after market attachments (Greist). We saw a completed sale on e-bay only it was a portable model for $140. What would you say is a fair price to ask? I can send you pictures if that would help.

    Thank you,


  41. Hi! The Necchi I have is pretty new, it's a 537FA that I was given because its previous owner removed the upper tension assembly and couldn't put it back together again. Well, I can't either! Do you have any suggestions for where I can see a photo or diagram of how to put it back together? It's got all its parts. Thanks so much, Megan

  42. I have a Necchi 4595 is this a good one or is it one of the ones that is poor in quality?

  43. Anybody know where I can find a manual for the BU Mira? I found someone online that I can download for $10 or so but they don't say if they are English or not. Just wondering if there was a better source somewhere. I am not even sure this thing has all it's parts. Wanted to get it going to surprise my wife for Christmas. We have had it about 4 years and just opened it up. Thanks, Jeff

  44. My Necchi ZigZag is currently in the Sew & vac shop (Fort Collins).
    I have moved from UK to US and wanted the machine converted from 220 to 110v.
    Shop tells me that with labor, a general service and a few small parts and repairs (bulb and sliding plate) this will cost $200. Is this worth doing?

    Thanks for any advice

  45. It depends on the model of your machine. If it is one of the earlier ones made in Italy, It's probably worth the expense. If it's one of the newer ones made in Taiwan, I wouldn't sink that much into it. The price is probably reasonable, a slide plate is around $12, a routine cleaning $70 and a light bulb $2. To convert from 220v to 110v requires a motor change, and possibly a speed control. Some models have a transformer in the lower section to give high/low speed operation, that might also need to be replaced with a 110v transformer. One option is to ask the dealer if he can use used parts instead of new, that should cut the cost considerably. Another option is to check eBay for your model, you might be able to replace your 220v machine with a 110v machine for about $70. All your attachments and accessories can be used and you should only need to pay the dealer for routine service.


  46. I can get a necchi BU Mira for 49.00 dollars but it doesnt have the power cord so i cant try it, no returns. I know i could rig a power cord but what is your opinion about if this is worth it? I want a machine that will sew heavy duty materials like nylon webbing and sailboats sails.
    Thank You

  47. A NECCHI supernova automatica sewing machine just arrived at our thrift shop. Can you help us in pricing it for sell? It's in a case and in good condition. Thank you.

  48. I like to use eBay when looking for comparative values of sewing machines. Three Necchi Supernovas have sold on eBay recently:

    - A Supernova with case and foot control sold for $26.01

    - A Supernova with a full set of cams sold for $66. The set of cams often sells in the $30 range, so the machine sold for approximately $36.

    - A supernova recently serviced with a full set of cams and a ton of accessories sold for $150. This is much higher that usual in my experience.

    Also, see my post on "Value of an Old Sewing Machine"


  49. My mother has a Necchi Seammaster Model 750 Serial number 01956. It is dear to her heart. I have been trying to find information on it so that I can give her a little history of where it came from and when it was made and things of the sort. I have
    run into dead end after dead end. She has also done some research with no luck.

    Would someone be able to point me in the right
    direction so that I may be able to put together a little present for her depicting it's history. Any
    help would be tremendously appreciated.

    David Owen

  50. My mother has a Necchi Seammaster Model 750 Serial number 01956. It is dear to her heart. I have been trying to find information on it so that I can give her a little history of where it came from and when it was made and things of the sort. I have
    run into dead end after dead end. She has also done some research with no luck.

    Would someone be able to point me in the right
    direction so that I may be able to put together a little present for her depicting it's history. Any
    help would be tremendously appreciated.

    David Owen

  51. Hi Ed, I think someone is running a scam on ebay, selling a SN Julia using your picture and text from your blog. This person is located in India. The ebay item # is 110360448361. If this is not you, perhaps you want to report it? Thanks for all the good information on your necchi blog. I enjoy reading it!

  52. A lady asked me to help with her BU Mira. The machine was not used for many years and parts are some what rusted. The mechanism movement is partial. I do not have a manual to do the maintenance. I am mechanical engineer by education but never has reason to fix a sewing machine. Pls help me.
    Ing. Durlabh Bhanvadia
    Caracas, Venezuela
    Cell: +58 414 389 4478

  53. hi. i have a Necchi model 522 that i got from my mom who never used it, and now i've had it for 3 years and never used it. i am selling it but people are asking questions i don't know the answers to, like is it a free arm and why is there no foot pedal. i have the original box and there's no foot pedal--is it missing or does it not need one?

  54. Dear Mr Lamoureux,
    I have just bought a beauutiful Necchia, model Lelia 514 which is so wonderful it's simply exceeded my expectations. wow!
    I will recommend this machine to anyone who wants a seamlessly working beauty with an incredibly efficiently built and faultless body that makes so little noise I can actually work on it in the middle of the night despite living in an appartment.

    What I also want to say is that it is your blog that actually made me make up my mind and buy it:)

    Huge thanks for this very informative site - from such an obviously knowledgeable enthusiast!
    *dashes off back to sewing*

  55. Can anyone help? I have a Necchi Supernova Julia; the stitch length control that links to the cams stopped working. I took it to a repair shop with the blindstitch cam in it so the repairman could check to be sure the cam would work when he'd fixed it; he returned it with the stitch length control knob BROKEN and the blindstitch cam MISSING. He said he could not get the part. Does anyone know where I can get the part and a blindstitch cam? If I can get the part I will take it to a different repair shop to be put in. I love this machine and don't want to junk it!

  56. Hi;

    Yesterday an old lady gave me an Necchi Lydia 3. But it does'nt work because bobbin case is missing. I live in Portugal and i would like to know where can i buy a new one, or used one and if it is worth.
    Thank you,


  57. Hello Ed-
    This is a different "Carrie" than above. I have a question about my newly acquired machine and after doing extensive searches came back to your post because, well, you seem like the guy to go to for Necchi questions.

    I recently received a Necchi Lydia 2 and it seems to be working fine upon first inspection, but I need to get some thread and bobbins before I know for sure. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    In the meantime I've been doing quite a bit of research and have joined Yahoo's Necchi group. I've found that the problem most people are having with this machine is a cracked cam. I took the 3 screws out of the right side of the machine to remove the black plate and check the cam out, but I'm not quite sure how to get the pattern selector knob off. I pulled with a bit of pressure, but didn't want to force it. .Any guidance or advice on this would be greatly appreciated.

  58. Hi Ed! Thanks for the useful comments on the Necchi machines.

    My mom recently gave me her Necchi Supernova Ultra. Changed the carbon brushes (just for maintenance, the older weren't broken or burnt). You're right, the engine works perfectly, and is almost noiseless, the two speed control makes it perfect for a beginner like me.

    Sadly, don't know what's wrong with the floss tensor button (not sure if that's the name of it), just called an authorized distributor and they told me to take it there to see if it can be fixed.

    Bet it's just that I don't know how to assemble it properly. It came off, don't know how.

  59. Ed,
    We recieved a sewing machine by donation that is a Necchi BU for a sale. We don't think that it works, but wondered if you could give us an idea of it's worth even if it doesn't work. Would someone possibly want this machine to display as a decoration? If so, what is an average price?
    Thanks- Anonymous

  60. The best indicator of value, in my opinion is ebay completed listings. Scan them and pick the machines that are closest to your donation and you will know what a willing buyer paid a willing seller.

    Checking today, I see a BU sold for $75, another for $65. Also, one sold for $162.50 but was immediately relisted. There are several possible reasons for that, all of which remove that particular item from my calculations.

  61. Hi, Ed!

    I was looking for furniture on Craigslist and in one of the garage sale ads, there is mention of a Nora Necchi machine with cabinet for sale.
    From what I've been reading, this is a great machine! My question is, would I be able to oil it myself at home? I have zero experience with industrial or vintage sewing machines, but badly need something strong, and easy to use that I can use for years to come.

  62. The Nora is a good basic machine. It will sew straight stitch and zig zag. If it comes with a set of cams, it will also form some simple decorative stitches. If it doesn't come with cams, you will probably never find a set, I have only seen two sets in my life. Yes, you should be able to oil the machine yourself, there should be an oiling diagram in the instruction manual. If not, I'm sure we can find one. If all else fails, just open up all the covers and put a drop of quality sewing machine oil every place metal rubs against metal.

    The weak spot in Noras and many other Necchi models of that vintage is the swing arm. The fit is so tight that even a small amount of corrosion will freeze the swing arm and the machine will not zig zag. If you find that on your Nora, come on back and I can tell you exactly where to look to solve the problem.


  63. In my grandmother's old home, I came across a box of Necchi sewing machine accessories. I am not sure of the machine model, but know that it was purchased new by my grandmother in the early 1960s. Included is a black Necchi accessory box, 7 different feet, 2 footplates, 2 screwdrivers, a small brush, and a couple of things that I do not recognize.

    Is there any interest in these accessories? If so, please contact me at

    Thank you!

  64. I have recently purchased a Necchi Model 522 machine. A fabulous find for $15 including cabinet additional bobbins and numerous other sewing notions. Can you provide me with any history/information, original cost, resale value regarding this machine? It is clean and works very well. There was not a manual provided however, I was able to locate one on-line and am ready to research all options available with this fabulous machine.

    My previous 50 plus years of sewing experience has been primarily on 2 White machines I own, both maufactured in the early 1950's. This Necchi appears to certainly be a step up from the Whites which I have always loved working with. The Necchi now remains open and ready for daily use in my craft/sewing room.

  65. If your Necchi 522 is a Lycia, it is indeed a nice machine. It was made between 1958 and 1962 and that's about all I can tell you. It would sell on Ebay in the $50 range, so you got a good deal.


  66. Hello,
    I was just given a Nicchi BU Supernova a few week ago. Would you happen to know the value of this piece? It was in a cabinet, but I'm not sure if they even go together. The wires were cut and the Nicchi was taken out so the cabinet could be moved easier. Thanks!

  67. i have a old vintage necchi Model BU sewing maching in great working condition in a desk for sale at 150.00 OBO im in ohio

  68. Hi Ed, just received BU mira. this is my first Necchi & an ebay purchase.
    It came without the foot control, no knee control and 3 of 5 cams shown in lising. I am trying to work things our with seller.

    Do you think I would be happier with a Julia? I want it for quilting, but do want the decorative option too. (I do have other machines but have gone crazy over the vintage machines.)

    Ebay purchases on machines seem to be very problematic.

    Loved reading your blog. thanks SJ in NC :)

  69. I have a Necchi BU Mira from the fifties I believe. I want to sell it. Interested?

  70. My mom died last year leaving me with 5 sewing machines. Everyone else took the Singers and Kenmores that had manuals and cabinets. That leaves me with the Necchi which I know little about, and there is no manual. By your pictures of your machines it is a Supernova Julia and I believe may be purple although I can't tell colors.

    My friend that was helping me thread the machine thinks it threads from right to left, backwards from Singer. After reading your blog, maybe we have the wrong needle in or in the wrong position as it appears from your diagrams this machine would thread from front to back.

    Also, when trying to zigzag is it necessary to "rotate" the plate around the foot? It is different to see three positions for that plate. When rotating it, it was noticed that one of the positions has a small wire that runs across the smaller rectangular hole and this wire seems to be broken. Is that an integral part for the zigzag to work?

    I have a lot of cams for the machine, but am not sure that my son who is a novice at sewing might be better off with a new machine. He mostly sews motorcyle insignias to his leather coat, and sews his own intricate Halloween costumes.

    Any suggestions?

  71. Oops! I just left a comment about inheriting a Supernova Julia. Is that machine made in Italy so it is worth fixing it, or is it the inferior Japanese made?

  72. I just inherited my grandmothers Necchi Supernova Julia and the power cord is dry rotten. I know the machine was not used much, and I would love to learn how to sew on it. Any suggestions on where I can get parts for this machine?

  73. All the Supernovas were made in Italy and should be worth restoring. If the power cord is the only part you need, replacement cords are still manufactured. Any sewing machine dealer should be able to help you with that, take in your old cord so he can match it to a picture in the catalog. If there are no sewing machine repair shops nearby, the U.S. Distributor, Allyn International has been helpful in the past.


  74. " Everyone else took the Singers and Kenmores that had manuals and cabinets. That leaves me with the Necchi..." Don't despair, you got the pick of the litter. Nothing wrong with Singers and Kenmores, but I think the quality of the Italian Necchis is a step above.

    "My friend that was helping me thread the machine thinks it threads from right to left..." No, it threads from left to right. Here is a threading diagram:

    "...a small wire that runs across the smaller rectangular hole and this wire seems to be broken..." That position is normally used for embroidery. The position with the small, circular needle hole is for straight stitching, and the third position is for zig zag and gereral sewing.

    For the price, I would say to give the Supernova a chance. Properly cleaned and oiled, it should sew as well as any new machine but quieter, smoother, and longer. If you decide you don't like it, list it on Craigslist or ebay. Purple Supernovas are much in demand.

  75. Dear Ed,
    What a joy to find your blog about Necchi's. I am a long time collector of Antique Treadle Sewing Machines and have the last few years started to acquire a few more Vintage type machines.
    Last year for my birthday my children bought me a green Necchi Supernova Ultra with a full set of cams and attachments. I call it my "James Bond" machine. Just love the little magnifying glass that pulls down. Also has a threading helper. Reminds me of the 60's James Bonds movies with all the built in gadgets. I so agree with you about their superior engineering and performance. To be honest with you I think this is one of the best machines ever made - feels like an italian race car. Im having a blast making up different decorative stitches with the "do-it-yourself" stack-able cams. Then yesterday in my local Goodwill they had a Necchi Supernova Ultra Mark 2 - pink in color (in a cool table) for sale with cams and feet for 19.99. They had it listed as "broken". The cutie was in need of lots of oil and a new belt and now just purrs... Too funny I told my husband - "Just think of the re-sale" but now not so sure as we have bonded. Even better yet you have the option with these machines to make them into a treadle machine. Does anyone have a Necchi Supernova Treadle? All the Members of Treadle On might agree that it would be the most versatile Treadle ever made?.... man do I have the fever! At any rate found your blog about Necchi's. Greatly appreciate your info about the replacement light bulbs. Took it to a local sewing machine repair shop and kind-of gave me a weird look.So all your info is greatly appreciated. Needless to say I so enjoy reading everyone's posts and hope more will catch on to the fun and functionality of these Vintage Sewing Machines.
    Have a great Evening,

  76. Ed
    We rescued a Necchi from the thrift shop. I rewired it, made it run and now plan to let it go.
    It is a "Supernova Automatica", has a flip down extension on the case and multiple voltage selection. Does it have another name or model designation?

  77. Look under the front lip of the bed for the serial number. It should look like XXX-XXXXXXXX. The numbers to the left of the dash designate the model number. Supernova Julia is model 534, I don't know offhand the model number for the Supernova Automatica.


  78. I have a 1969 Necchi 544 that I purchased originally. It has worked great and I have never felt the need to buy a new machine, but it was making a loud noise and knocking so I oiled it prolifically. That took care of the noise. I had to replace the tire bobbin that was broken, but now it won't wind. I think it may be too much oil. I did use 3 in 1 oil which I see I shouldn't have. Any suggestions? I love my machine and it still works great otherwise.

  79. On the bobbin winder - You might have missed an oiling spot on the shaft of the bobbin winder, OR your new bobbin winder tire might be slightly smaller than the original so it is not making good contact with the balance wheel, OR you might have gotten some oil on the tire itself so it is slipping.

    On the 3-in-1 oil - There are tons of urban myths floating around concerning 3-in-1 and sewing machines. One website says it is too thick and won't lubricate properly and another says it will evaporate and leave the machine unprotected. The 3-in-One website specifically lists sewing machines as one of the uses for the product and says the formula of 3-in-one has not changed since 1894. Would they still be listing sewing machines as a market for their product for 115 years if it didn't work? Wouldn't SOMEONE have sued them and made them stop listing sewing machines as a use for the product if they could prove it damaged their machine? If your machine works after lubricating with 3-in One, don't worry about it. When you start to hear funny noises, oil it again with sewing machine oil, 3-in-One, or other quality petroleum lubricant. I have used 10 weight automobile oil, baby oil, mineral oil and some more exotic lubricants and have not yet damaged a machine. The only lubricants I wouldn't use are vegetable oils (olive oil, etc.) because they supposedly leave a sticky residue when they dry. If, after reading this, you are still concerned, flush out the 3-in-One with kerosene and re-oil with sewing machine oil.


  80. Thanks for the advice on the bobbin winder. It failed to work because it was overly oiled. It is working great now.
    I have another question. Although my machine makes buttonholes by hand, I am wondering if there is a buttonhole attachment that will work with it.
    My mother had an old Singer that had one and every buttonhole was perfect and the same.
    I have a 544 Necchi.
    Louise H.

  81. Hi Ed,
    First of all, your website is super useful for us Necchi users. I was thisclose to taking my Supernova Julia to the repair shop, who probably would have charged me $75. After much inspection, I am convinced is is the belt that needs replacing and it seems easy enough. I am going to attempt it on my own. But how do I pull off the belt and where would I find one?

  82. Girldeco,
    The motor and belt on a Supernova are inside the case. remove the end plate below the balance wheel and you will expose the motor and belt. The tough part is loosening the motor to remove the belt and re-tightening afer the new belt is installed. The bolts that hold down the motor are a bit tough to get at. Belts are stocked at sewing machine repair shops in many sizes, just remove the old belt and take in to the shop to match it to the proper new belt. Don't tighten the new belt excessively, just enough to allow the motor to spin the machine without slippng.

  83. Hi Ed,

    I live in Australia, and don't know much about Necchi machines, but have come across this on ebay in Oz,

    Now, it is in a state far far away, and they have only used it over the years (using only the zigzag) for odd repairs, and can't tell me much more. Do you think it is worth a gamble, or a waste of time and money to have it freighted across?

    Not asking you anything too difficult! lol

  84. If you are going to go for a Necchi, the Supernova is the best of the lot. The one listed on Ebay appears to be in good condition from the one fuzzy photo and the current price is right. I don't know what shipping would cost, but if it drove the total price above $75-$90, I would probably pass it by. Another thing to consider is that if the machine has not been used much, it might take come work to make everything operate freely and smoothly again. Like any machinery, sewing machines work better when they are used frequently.


  85. Dear Ed,
    I was happy to find your blog as I am trying to get some intel on a sewing machine my grandmother gave me about 15 years ago. She had it before she gave it to me for as long as I can remember. I have done only a bit of sewing in the past but am now taking classes and would like to use it more and obtain additional feet, have it serviced, etc. It is a Necchi 534FB, serial number 173835. I have not been able to find much info on this model by trolling the web so it may not be a popular model. From reviewing your blog, it appears that this might one of the Taiwan/Chinese models and not an Italian model. I would love to know the time period in which it was made and where I can get specs/replacement parts for it. Any info you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

  86. Hi, my wife is looking for a Necchi Lydia in good shape with accessories - she bought a Mira BU and loves it, but needs the free arm of the Lydia.

    Anyone out there have one to sell? If so, please send an email to us at rohonczy at hotmail dott com


  87. Hi, I have a Necchi BU Mira and I can't figure out if it can do button holes. There is no manual. If it can, how?
    Thanks, Monica

  88. I have a Necchi from the 1950s. I believe it is a BU. Are BUs the same thing as Supernovas?
    I am in need of both the straight stitch foot and the manual for my machine.

  89. I have a Necchi BU. the needle hits the bobbin race plate (part "T" in the manual). When I hold the shuttle ( part "R") with my finger with the race plate out, it works fine and does not jam or rub. Is there an adjustment to change the relation between the needle and the shuttle?? Email me at

    Thank You

  90. Hi Ed,
    I have aquired a Necchi Supernova Auomatica with the desk and pull out chair with underneath storage, can you advise dates of manufacture and present day value, the machine is in good nick, the cabinet as well,

    please advise


  91. I found BU Supernova at Goodwill w/o cord, ft pedal, presser ft and cams. Paid $10. How do you tell if it is a low shank, or High. Are the cams interchangable from Super Nova? Does anyone have extra feet they would like to sel.?

  92. malsews@yahoo.com1/13/2010 5:09 PM

    My friend bought a pink Necchi zig-zag model built in Sept. 1959. I don't think it is a supernova, but it does have a place for the pattern cams at the top. Unfortunately, the cams did not come with the machine, neither did the owner's manual. Does anybody know where I can find these items? I came across some old Sears Kenmore pattern cams but don't know if they would fit the Necchi.

  93. I just purchased a necchi supernova bu model in which it works but needed some smoothing out of some internal parts as well as a good cleaning and oiling. I was told it was like the top of the line for necchi at that time.
    It did not come with a manual. Does anyone have one that I could purchase? Or do know where I would be able to locate one? I have checked the internet,i am not interested in downloading to then printing it. Hope someone is able to help!!

  94. what is a vintact Necchi 523 sewing maching worth. Condition is good. Comes with mannual.

  95. Dear Ed,
    I found a Supernova at my local second hand store. It has everything with it, manual and cams for $25. It looks clean and with no bangs or scratches, however, the stitch length regulator lever, appears to be broken or at least not engaged. Are these things worth fixing up and if so, would that be expensive to do and do you know anyone reputable to do such work. I am in VA. Thanks so much

  96. I have a chance to buy a necchi Bu Mira sewing machine for $50.It does not have the wonderwheel but comes with the cabinet.Do you think it is a good deal or not?

  97. I haven't been keeping up with prices since the economy headed South, but I think that is about an average price for a Mira in good condition. With regular cleaning and oiling (which you can do at home) that machine should last a lifetime. If you keep it just 20 years, that equates to $2.50 a year. If you buy a $99 plastic department store model and it lasts five years before it bites the dust, your cost is $20 per year. As long as you can live with straight stitch and zig zag only, I would opt for the BU Mira. Ed

  98. Just inherited a Necchi 534fb and can't figure out how to turn it on!

  99. I have a Necchi 'automatic supernova ultra mark 2' in excellent condition with all attachments and manual. Machine is beige and is in a cabinet with light maple finish (some blemishes on top). 1959-1960. Available for sale in Annapolis MD area.

  100. I have recently inherited a very old Necchi sewing machine. I want to say circa 1940's-1950's. It is an olive wood cabinet from Asmara, Ethopia. I would like for someone to direct me to the right place or person for apprasial, or sale. My email is
    thank you.

  101. Hello Ed!
    Can you tell me what is the difference between a supernova automatica and the BU?
    I purchased the automatica and now I'm not sure if I should of held out to find a BU. Thank you!

  102. We just got a Necchi 522 machine, one of the later models made in Taiwan, for free. Seems to work... at least, the motor runs when you step on the pedal, and the needle goes up and down. More than that we don't yet know.

    So the question is, is this machine worth getting checked out and possibly fixed up if it needs something? Will it make a decent sewing machine for a learner who knows nothing about sewing machines?

    Thanks for the input.

  103. I found your blog while searching for information about maintenance of Necchi Supernova Sewing Machines.

    A couple of weeks ago I was saying to myself that I wanted a sewing machine.

    Wouldn't you know, there was a Necchi Supernova for sale at a yard sale this morning, for $40.00!!

    It appears to be in mint condition, but I do plan on doing some maintenance on it before I begin to use it.

    The real coux is that it came in a beautiful walnut table/case.

    Oh, and the couple selling it even delivered it to my house because it wouldn't fit in my car!

    I'm so excited, I'm beside myself!

  104. Hi, I got a Necchi 534BF from a thrift store for $10 and now I have the Necci bug!!
    The one I have was made in Japan but I would like to get one made in Italy. I am going to try to track one down locally but may end up have to resort to Ebay. My question is, if I can't look at the machine in person, how do we know where it was made? Do we have to rely on the seller to tell us? Or can we tell from the model name/number? For example, if its a Supernova, does that tell us where it was made?
    Thanks in advance. Great blog.

  105. Hi,
    I purchased a beautiful Necchi at my local thrift store yesterday. It has a lovely wood cabinet, kind of 50's Danish style, and the machine is pink. It looks like it is in good condition, although I have not plugged it in yet.

    I would like to identify the model so I can find an instruction manual. It says "Necchi Supernova Ultra" on the front. On the back it says "Necchi Supernova automatica, Made in Italy." The number on the bottom of the machine is 35-0250324 and says BU Supernova. The cabinet has a tag that says "Another Necchi Cabinet 4062195949."

    I would like to know the model number and year, so I can find more information on this lovely machine. I would be happy to email photos if that would help.
    Thanks very much for your assistance!

  106. I just bought a Necchi 522 at a steal price. It is absolutely in mint condition. Looks brand new. Anyone know what the manufacture years were for this model??

  107. I just got a Necchi BF Nova from my parents. It has not been used for many years. I plugged it in to see if it works, and it does, but a little smoke started coming out of the piece in the back that the plug goes into. I hate to try to run it again. Any ideas?

  108. I have my grandmother's vintage Necchi (late 40's-50's)that I used as a kid. But now I don't remember how to the run the thread to wind the bobbin. Can you help?

  109. Angel, If the smoke is coming from the motor, that is not uncommon on machines that have not been used for an extended period. It is caused by oil and other contaminants covering the motor commutator and being "burned off" by the electric current passing through it as you run the motor. Best way to cure that is to disassemble the motor and clean it with isopropyl alcohol or other cleaner approved for electrical devices. If the smoke is actually coming from the electrical connector, that is an indication of a short circuit. The cure for that is to unplug the machine immediately and start tracing the wire harness back until you locate where two wires are crossing or one wire is rubbing against the metal chassis. Look for cracked or missing insulation on the wires. - Ed

  110. Reader, Since you don't mention the model, I have to guess that from the vintage, it is a BU. Go to click on "Threading Diagrams", scroll down to the Necchi Section and click on "BU". If that's not the correct model, go back to the Necchi section and try other models until you find the right one. - Ed

  111. Hello Ed,
    It's Reader...I checked my machine, it is a BDA and not a BU. Although it is electric - I seem to have a very vague memory of a treadle. Is that possible? Now that the machine is back in Europe where I live, I wanted to have the 220 V motor rewired to 110...but the guy who did the servicing said it was totally burned/ruined and replaced it entirely. He also deactivated the knee lever and gave me a little (very modern) foot pedal. So much for "history"
    Any opinions - suggestions? The threading diagrams you sent seem to be okay, so there shouldn't be a problem. Thank you again,

  112. Ed, thanks for your time on this thread. I'm hoping maybe I can take a few seconds with a vague question :) You can certainly tell me I'm nuts~! (you wouldn't be the first).

    A local thrift shop I have donated a great deal of furniture to (it's a charity) mentioned to me that they have a gorgeous art deco sewing machine in their back room they don't know how to price. It's a necchi mira in an art deco style (they think...I haven't seen it) cabinet. Apparently the cabinet is exceptional and they thing worth a few hundred on their floor but they also know the machine is special and knowing I'm building a sewing room and collect old machines (just boring stuff) they thought I might want to see it before it goes out.

    I am frankly intrigued by the beautiful cabinet, but to have an antique machine I could actually use as well for straight stitching...well that would be lovely frankly. So here's my vague and stupid but intrigued question....

    Or questions. First, can I get parts and make sure it is put into working condition if it's not (it is supposed to be so they'll verify that first, but if not, can it be fixed with some effort on my behalf to find parts?) Is there any big "kill" where a machine is so dead it will never recover I guess I'm asking.

    Secondly, gad let's assume it's working. Is this a 40 dollar item or several hundred or several thousand :) This is a charity I support so I don't mind paying a good price for the piece, but I also don't want to be stupid. A purchase isn't a tax deduction, so if I pay several hundred and it's worth fourty bucks I'm kind of silly :)

    Is that too vague to answer? Go ahead....tell me I'm nuts :) But I think I kinda want to go nuts over necchi....

  113. Hi Ed,
    I really appreciate your blog and all of the time you take to answer your readers. I have another question to add to the list.

    My cheap sewing machine was ruined this summer when my basement flooded. My dad gave me my Grandmother's sewing machine (still in its cabinet - this is NOT in my basement!). I used it about 10 years ago, but he's been using it as a writing desk since then. Now it won't work. I'm getting power, but when I turn the flywheel, the needle doesn't move (if I plug it in and reverse it, as if to make a bobbin, it runs with the leg pedal fine).

    I am wondering if my issue is the frozen needlebar problem you mention in your blog. I oiled it in the spots shown in the manual today, but it didn't seem to make a difference. Can you tell me what precisely I need to oil? Do I have to take it apart? (I'm scared!)

    The instruction book says it is a "Necchi Automatic Supernova Ultra" and the guarantee bond shows the purchase date as 2-3-60. I don't see "made in Italy" on it, but it looks like the parts are all metal.

    Thanks! Cheryl

  114. That's a difficult one to diagnose without having the machine in front of me. When you say "when I turn the flywheel, the needle doesn't move", is the flywheel frozen, or does the flywheel spin but not move the needle? When you say, "it runs with the leg pedal fine", does the needle move when the speed control is actuated, or just the motor?

    Depending on the answers, the causes could be many:
    - Loose or broken drive belt
    - Thread wound around some component, binding the drive train
    - Rust or other corrosion
    - A piece of a broken needle jamming the mechanism
    - One of dozens of other possibilities

    You probably won't need to take the machine apart, but you will need to remove all the covers to access the mechanism. Then, move the balance wheel and watch what happens downstream from the balance wheel. Usually, there will be a tiny bit of movement of the mechanism as you rock the balance wheel back and forth but at some point, all motion stops. When you locate the point where the motion stops, you have a good idea where to concentrate your efforts. - Ed

    P.S. Your Supernova was made in Italy and is one of the good ones, it is worth fixing.

  115. goldenalbert10/07/2010 1:25 AM

    Ed: I am the proud owner of two Necchi's neither that young. One is a Model BU with a 1953 copywritten manual, in a cabinet. It appears to have most or all the parts necessary to work. It's probably been ten years in my garage or at the Somali's to whom I loaned it.
    It appears to have everything that a BU MIRA should have.
    It was serviced by the Grand Stores Co., 1144 5th Ave San Diego, 1, California I'd love to know more about it.

    My other Necchi is a Lydia that I bought about 50 years ago in Northern California. The repair man who has maintained it for the past ten years, has left the business. Bob Bandauer is his name.

    I need a manual for the Lydia. I have most of the manuals with the BU Mira and the extra parts.

    I'd like to join the conversation. I'm a yarmulke maker.
    I'm Albert Goldschmidt,

  116. Just acquired a 1957? Necchi Supernova BU. Cleaned up nicely, oiled it, and it sews fine. However..., it seems to be too loud especially at high speed, as if it was hammering. The noise comes from the bobbin area, and not underneath or near the drive wheel or motor area. Wonder if the timing is okay, or what might I do to make it quiet, (like a Singer). Is that a bad word? I'd also like to download a manual for this machine if anyone could help.

  117. 1. Singer is not a bad word, I started collecting Singers until I discovered the superior quality of Italian Necchis. A well-adjusted Necchi is MUCH quieter than any Singer.
    2. It's just about impossible to affect the timing on any vintage 15 Class machine, the shafts are usually pinned so they can't move.
    3. First thing I would do is remove the bobbin case and shuttle and see if the noise stops. That will pinpoint or eliminate that part. If the noise persists, I would start wiggling everything in the machine, especially hook and feed drive shafts to see if one of them is loose. If the problem still eludes you, Harbor Freight sells a mechanic's stethoscope for $4.99 that will help you locate the problem area. - Ed

  118. I have a Necchi model 537FA that was my aunt's. I just got it out after not using it for a few months and it seems to be locked up. The stop motion wheel will not tighten down to thread a bobbin and the hand wheel turns but the needle does not always move up and down. When you push on the pedal it will not sew the motor winds up but nothing! Is this an issue of needing to oil the parts or is it something bigger. It sewed just fine the past time I used it so I am puzzled why it is not working all of a sudden! Financially I can't afford a repair bill so I wanted to see if there was something I could try. Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

  119. That's one of those problems that's tough to diagnose without having the machine at hand. My first guess is that the last time the stop motion nut was loosened, the washer beneath slipped down and now the nut won't tighten all the way and the washer is not being properly pressed against the balance wheel to turn the shaft.
    Another possibility is that the stop motion washer was removed and reinstalled improperly. Remove the stop motion nut and flip over the washer on the tail of the shaft. It can only be installed two ways. - Ed

  120. Good evening, I have a Necchi Nora and I need to purchase the belts. Does anybody know of any agencies or where can I buy them in Portugal? Also I have the Nora manual but in French, it comes with the lubrication diagrams. If anybody is interested, I can scan the manual and send it to you. My email address is hlamers(at)sapo(dot)pt

  121. Hi Ed. Thanks for the great website. I particularly enjoyed your article on stages that a sewing machine collector goes through. I wish I'd read it before I started! Anyway, I'm interested in converting an electric 401G and an electric SuperNova Ultra to treadle machines. What I need I believe are treadle balance wheels. Can you advise the Singer part number for the treadle balance wheel for the 401? And any idea where to look for a Necchi treadle balance wheel to suit a SuperNova or what the part number might be? Thanks in advance.

  122. The Necchi should be no problem since it is belt-driven. You should be able to remove the belt (might need to also remove the motor) and run the treadle belt through the same groove that the motor belt previously occupied without changing balance wheels.

    The 401G is a problem. That machine is gear-driven, so there is no groove in the balance wheel to accept a treadle belt. Unfortunately, I have no documentation on the German Singers and the 401A manuals do not mention treadling. The 401G has the removable plug for the treadle belt to pass through the bed of the machine, but the 401A does not. -Ed

  123. NECCHI NORA WIRING DILEMMA - I just acquired this old 1959 Necchi Nora. It runs fine, EXCEPT, it appears that the wiring is reversed on the two switches, one for the motor and one for the light. The machine won't run at all if the light switch is turned off. If it's turned on, the bulb is bright or dim depending on which way the motor is switched, to Hi or Lo. When the machine runs the light becomes real dim and more dim the faster the machine runs. The wiring does not appear to have been tampered with. I have pictures of the wiring if that would assist anyone in helping me figure this out, which I would GREATLY appreciate.

  124. It does sound like the wiring is incorrect. I have a couple of Noras, if you send me your photo(s) to me at I will compare to my machines. -Ed

  125. Hello. I am enjoying reading about the Necchi automatic supernova ultra. My girlfriend and I just got one in the cabinet with all the static cams, many feet. It works GREAT. I love it. What a wonderful machine. I am confused however about the cams and how to use them. We have the accessory box with the circular grid lid that shows the settings for each cam. We set these up according to the manual but do not know what to do next to make a decoritve stitch. Can someone please explain to me how to make a decoritive stitch using the cams. I cannot figure it out.

    Any help will be much appreciated.



  126. Hello I have a question from wales UK. I have been a sewer for many years and am used to taking apart and servicing different machines.
    I have however just aquired a Necchi Lydia 3 544 italy.
    I have taken it apart as much as possible. The machine winds a bobbin smoothly but appears stuck when trying to stitch.

    i have removed a lot of thread wound around the inner wheel but to no avail. it is very very stiff when trying to turn the wheel by hand. Nothing appears to be cracked or broken as far as I can see.
    Have you any advice
    Thankyou Helen Fencott

  127. Duncan knight12/20/2010 6:06 AM

    I have a Necchi 544 that I bought in Singapore in about 1969. I am trying to find somewhere that can supply me with the small cog that is involved with the zig zag stitching. Have you any ideas

  128. Great blog! I got a Nicchi yesterday since your blog helping me make this decision. Am so happy about my first Nicchi! Thank you!
    However, there is no manual, it is Nicchi 523 made in Italy. If there is a way to figure out the use of the turnable throat plate? Could not figure out how to make these crossing stitches as shown on the plate.
    Can I make buttonhole with it?
    Eager to sew with it's full potential!

  129. I'm looking at buying a Nova BU treadle from out of state. I have a number of other Necchis, among them a Lelia 514 (green and in beautiful condition) and a Supernova Ultra flatbed. I'm also looking at a Julia (also from out of state) - will the Lelia 514, the SN Ultra and the Julia drop straight in to the Nova table so that I can treadle them? Thanks PS Thanks for your reply to my queries about treadling a Singer 401G.

  130. I have a Necchi 544.There is awhite screw in the bottom of the case that adjusts the motor brush timing (turns the brush plate).Does anyone know how to adjust this correctly.I am new to blogging and sewing machine collecting. I this the right place to post this.

  131. I have just taken my Necchi Supernova Ultra from its case after many years (I bought a Bernina which I thought would last a lifetime, but it will not work because I need a new A Board and S Board!). However, my Necchi stitches perfectly (touch wood!)and I shall continue to use it. I was told by a sewing machine repair man that if I ever wanted spares for it, I would be out of luck! Surely, there are spares out there somewhere if I need them!
    20 January, 2010

  132. The Necchi BU was marketed as having a large number of generic parts so owners did not have to worry about finding replacements. By the time the Supernova Ultra cabe along, many of those generic parts had been replaced with items specifically made for the Necchi. The U.S. distributor, Allyn International still stocks some parts and a few parts like power cords are still available from sewing machine parts distributors. The most abundant parts source is used machines on eBay, but you might have trouble finding someone willing to swap parts from one machine to the other if you don't have the technical skills to do it yourself.

    The good news is that if you take care of your SNU, keep it clean and lubricated and don't subject it to extremes of heat, cold, or humidity it will probably last the rest of your lifetime without needing repairs. - Ed

  133. David Evans Near Blackpool. England

    Congratulations on an excellent site. Very interesting. I have just bought my wife a Supernova 534 Julia in a lovely cabinet with Queen Anne legs. As an engineer I can appreciate the quality of the machine. It sews a dream and has all original cam wheels etc in the box with instructions. i am so pleased I read your comments and went out looking for a Necchi. Many thanks. I will think I will start start collecting them too.
    Keep up the good work. Regards

  134. Necchi Automatic Supernova with all attachments,cabinet, operators manual, etc. My Dad gave it to me. The lower needlebar pivot was almost frozen, due to non use. Broke the part at the neck-down. Could not get one machined, so repaired the part using brazing with brass. Cleaned and lapped the moving parts to ensure proper fit after repair. Reassembled. Found some slight binding in the thread take-up lever mechanism. Judicious adjustment freed the mechanism. Now, the machine will rotate a couple of times after spinning the flywheel (disconnected from motor) by hand. The original fabric-covered belt finally gave up. Local store does not carry suitable belts. Any suggestions for a supplier?

    Came across this blog while looking for a belt. Very informative.

    Regards, C. Zuhn, Norfolk, VA

  135. ICK! I thought I had a prize until I read your remark:
    "The Mira is possibly my favorite Necchi. The BF is a straight-stitch-only machine and the BU is capable of zig-zag stitches."

    What I bought on ebay was sold to me as a machine that does BOTH straight and ZIG-ZAG. It Is a NECCHI BF MIRA so I guess it doesn't which really is a bummer. Too late to return it since it was bought Before an Ambulance totalled both my car and me so it has sat in the case unused and I opened it today. What pussels me is that it comes with a multitude of attachments including a GREIST buttonholer. Now how on Earth can you make buttonholes with a machine that won't zig-zag???

    I NEED to oil it, since it has sat but have NO manual so is there a place online to find the oiling diagram?
    I have found a threading diagram and located what possibly is the right manual @ ??but it will take time to arrive and want to use the machine today.

    If I truly have a NON Zig-Zag machine I guess I will have to search more. I bought it after discovering that even my $1500 kenmore electronic with embroidery needs repair between every use. My son claims I 'jinx' complex electronic stuff. My Apple computers seem to be the only exception (although our first Mac needed everything including the motherboard replaced but all during warranty).

    My machine says Made in Italy and
    Serie MIRA 298
    Serial AB1565
    Spec 298
    1 UL 55 and is a foot pedal model

    Am going to be permanently unhappy with a straight stitch only. That's like only being able to do a 'single crochet' stitch...BORING.

    Thanks so much for any info help you can give me.


  136. Sounds like your machine was dropped if both the needlebar and thread take-up were bent. I would look for other bent components like the main shaft and presser bar. Assuming the machine is well lubricated, I suspect binding somewhere in the mechanism. As for a belt, just take the old belt to anyone who works on sewing machines. Belts are manufactured in many different lengths and widths and I don't know of any that can't be matched. I use the McMaster-Carr website to determine what size fractional horsepower belt is needed, then search for that size belt. - Ed

  137. Pattianne, if your machine has a needle position lever and a stitch width lever, it is a zig zag machine. If it only has the forward-reverse stitch length lever, it is a straight stitcher. There are zig zag attachments for straight stitch machines that move the fabric back and forth under the needle to make a zig zag stitch, buttonholers for straight stitch machines work the same way.

    I have an oiling diagram for a BU, if you send me an email at, I will send it to you. You will be able to lubricate all the critical points in your BF plus some you don't even have! - Ed

  138. Just found a vintage Necchi Supernova Ultra in a storage unit. I was just wondering if anyone could help me out with some information

  139. Can anyone direct me to somewhere were I can get a tensioner fo my old Necchi Lycia 524 auto and 522 zig zag.


  140. I also have a cabinet for it and the manual and a plastic box for changing stitches.

  141. Marie Kowalski3/28/2011 5:15 PM

    I am the owner of a Necchi Supernova purchased 7/13/56. It has been a wonderful machine. In a move 6 years ago my sewing machine was damaged. The stitch regulating knob was broken. Since then I have not been able to replace it. The machine straight stitches and zig-zags but I cannot use it with my cams,because I cannot control the stitch regulation. Also I cant reverse sew,because the button is frozen in place. I have cleaned and oiled the machine and it does sew straight and zig-zag. Is there any hope of me being able to replace the stitch regulating knob?

  142. I am interested in selling my mother's Necchi automatic supernova ultra mark 2. I think that it is in good working order and has all the parts, including the manual. It is in a lovely light wood cabinet.

  143. Hello! I just received a Necchi 549FA by second hand. Does anyone know how I can go about getting a manual thats not going to cost me an arm and a leg? Preferably free.....

  144. Ed, just want to say that I purchased a Necchi in 1955 and it has been a very reliable machine and it still sews great.

    I just purchased a Necchi, Model No. 536fb with the zigzag. It is in a really nice desktype cabinet with 3 large drawers and has the attachments. I don't know if they are all there and wonder if they can be found. Also, can you tell me where and what year it was manufactured? Would appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks


    P.S. There is also another number besides 536FB, and that is 10534.

  145. I still have the machine my mother had from the early 60s (not sure if it was new or used when she got it) and I used it in college in the early 80s then haven't pulled it out until last year - and amazingly, it seems to work just fine! I was sure I'd have to have it serviced or something. I'm trying to locate a manual for it, as I can't seem to find the one that was with the box of cams (they are around somewhere I'm sure) and it seems to need a new bobbin winding ring - that is old and dried up - it cracked and is falling off). My mother sewed all sorts of neat things with it and the fancy embroidery cams. I'm glad I found your blog - neat to see a photo of the same machine I have! I love that odd peachy color that it has - pure 60s style.

  146. Do you know of a source I could obtain a light switch for a Necchi Lelia 514? The plastic switch broke off. It still operates, just not all there. Thanks! Michelle

  147. Just started with the Vintage Sewing Machine bug, I must say I graduated rather slowly at first (Singer Treadle from the early 1930s, maybe even the late '20s)then after many many years I had an Elna Supermatic (still do!) and an old Husky Viking that was acting up and I took to to the local sew shop, and fell in love with the Necchi machines. I found a 535FA in a thrift store for $5, bought it for the heck of it, then while poking around for kicks and giggles at another thrift shop I discovered an old Necchi BU Mira, in really good condition, ( cabinet)but it has the Wonderwheel, (with the arms! but just one cam). The Proprietor had $60 on it, but we chatted for a while and he could tell that I knew a little of what I was talking about...and sold it to me for $20!
    So FINALLY! I am possessed of a Vintage Italian Sewing Machine of my very own! (yay!)

    now...anyone want to buy a Necchi 535FA, sews great, but I am afraid that the Mira is going to kill it in its sleep for posing as a Necchi. Yup, Ill just wake up one morning and there the Mira will be, fat and sassy with bits of the 535 all scattered about. (they are Italian ya know...they have very persuasive means, and an Italian Woman is nothing to trifle with...heehee)

    Happy Stitching Everyone!
    (mind your fingers, I still have all eight of mine left)

  148. Hi I own a Necchi Lelia 513, which I adore, but the bobbin winder tyre has rotted away and I cannot find an original Bobbin tyre for it.The one on my Sewing machine was white with very small teeth like a cogwheel and the only one's I can find are smooth black rubber ones.With these my bobbin winder refuses to work. Does anyone know where I can get original bobbin winder tyres please?

  149. I have a Necchi Lydia #3 Type 544. It doesn't sew but the motor is running. Is it worth taking in and having it serviced etc.

  150. See my August 2001 post, "Not ANOTHER Necchi". If your camstack is in good condition, your problem could be just a broken drive belt or something equally simple. If your camstack is seriously cracked, you are probably in for a search for a replacement machine. -Ed

  151. I just bought a Necchi 534BF. It had a piece of the bobbin carrier out of place, but I was able to repaired it:-). I would like to find out what year this sm was made. The motor was made in Taiwan and the foot controller was made in Japan. The machine doesn't say were it was made. I like how it sews. It's quiet and has nice stitches. Now I really want an Italian Necchi ;-). I just need to wait until I find a bargain.

  152. According to an old Sewing Machine Blue Book, your machine was built after 1982 in Taiwan. Perhaps someone with a newer Blue Book can supply a cutoff date. The country of origin will be printed on the machine somewhere but often it is hidden (under the motor, etc.) -Ed

  153. My Necchi Esperia (dated 5--58) has never let me down. However, in moving, the carrying case lid was damaged and I have been searching for a replacement. .
    I have the base to which the machine is attached, but need the lid. I would be happy to find the entire unit (I am not willing to purchase a plastic substitute) if the original is available in this vast world of Necchi users.
    I am sure that many inserted their machines into permanent sewing machine furniture, and hopefully the case is tucked away in the attic or storage. I would be thrilled to have an original case.
    The box is built of 1/4 " plywood and has stronger interior supports that measure 1/2". The finish was a tan and brown faux leather.
    The outside measurements are:
    18"Lx 8 3.4"W x 3"D.
    The machine sits in a space:
    14 7/8"L x 6 3/4"W x 2 5/8"D
    The utility box is part of the overall length and the interior measures:
    8 1/4"L x 2"W. Depth same as other interior.
    The metal base of the machine measures:
    14 5/8"L x 7 1/2 " W.
    Spacing between end of SM base and interior box
    is 1/8" at each end, the long sides fit with very little space into the box.
    Using two different metal tapes the variation is approx 1/8" on some of the numbers.
    I do know that different machines have different measurements so it must be as I have written.
    Looking forward to hearing good news!
    Email is:

  154. Probably your best bet is the Yahoo Necchi Sewing Machine Group. That is the largest gathering of Necchiphiles I know of. -Ed

  155. Ed, I know this is off subject regarding Necchi machines....but, do you have an adjuster's manual download for a Singer 401A?

  156. I'm trying to find 21 guage needles for my Necchi BU Nova sew machine. any one know were to find?

  157. I can't find a source for needles larger than 20 but a while back I bought an eBay lot of size 21 Singer needles. With all my industrial machines, I will never be sewing anything on a family machine requiring a needle that large. If you want any of my needles, email me at studiolupholstery@gmail. -Ed

  158. Hi Ed,

    Hope you can help me figure out which model Necchi my mother had, as I would like to find one like it for sentimental reasons. It looked like the photos I have seen of the Necchi BU, but it was a dark green color instead of black. I think she must have gotten it sometime in the 50's, as I was born in 1950 and I remember her always sewing on it.

    She's passed on now, and the Necchi is just a fond memory... one that I would like to locate & hopefully sew on myself! Any information you would have on it would be so appreciated.

    Thanks! Cynthia

  159. PS... I did find a Necchi BF on eBay that was light green in color. I am tempted to bid on that one as it is the closest I have found in my search. Do you know anything about that model?

    Thanks again,

  160. just got a necchi supernova ultra mark 2. My problem(s) are 1...the feed dog won't drop to do freestyle stitching. When I look underneath the machine, it seems there should be something connection that switch to the feed dog area, but there is nothing. 2...the zig zag stops are BOTH to the right of the zig-zag adjusting lever. This does not allow me to set a left margin for the stitch. Only 2 right margins. Are these easy fixes?

  161. Ed, today I pickup a BU Supernova, serial # 35-0016862. Any idea of the year? It came with a box of accessories, including cams, 15 or 20 presser feet, 5 original Necchi bobbins, 20 15 style bobbins, needle treader and it came in a Necchi cabinet with knee control. It needs a cleaning, as the zig zag is froze up and the clutch doesn't release very well. The power cord needs to be replaced. Accessory box has a piece missing on one corner but, for $25 at a local thrift store, can't complain. Lee231

  162. Ed,
    The BU supernova I picked up the other day doesn't run. I took out the motor and hooked it to 110V and it ran fine and the lite works. Do you have a wiring chart for this machine or diagram? Can you point me in the right direction as far as the troubleshooting goes.

  163. Can anyone tell me how old my Necchi is? It is a Lincoln, serial # 14535 and model # underneath the base is 38356, Made in Italy. Bought at a garage sale in the 60's.


  164. I've inherited a Necchi Supernova sewing machine with the two layer container full of cams and everything else you can think of for the machine. It's in a 1950's cabinet and as far as I can tell everything is in excellent condition. What is it worth and what is the best way of selling it?
    I put pictures of it on Kijiji Peterborough but so far no one seems interested. Can you give me any suggestions?

  165. I have an old necchi children's sewing machine probably from the 50's. It has a dial on the side to turn to sew.
    Know anything about this or the value of it?

  166. I have a beautiful Necchi BU Mira, but am missing the foot pedal. Can anyone suggest a source for a replacement pedal? Looking for something not so expensive.

  167. Foot controls for machines of that vintage are extremely simple and any two-wire foot control should work. I have a Singer foot control on my Lelia and generic Japanese foot controls on some other Necchis. Any sewing machine repair shop should have used foot controls lying around that they will sell reasonably. If not, do an internet search for "universal sewing machine foot control" and you will find new ones for $12-$15. -Ed

  168. I am thrilled to have found this blog! I am so "hot to trot" for a Necchi. I missed out on two that were for sale locally, but I'm still on it!

    I am primarily interested in a Necchi for the heavy duty sewing - upholstery, jeans, leather repairs etc. I don't want any decorative stitches, but zigzag would be important. In your estimation, what models would be preferable? I have the list of model numbers from the Facebook page, along with pictures..

    Yes, I have it bad! :-)

    Regards, Betty

  169. Many thanks ED!

  170. Where can I find parts for a Supernova Julia? Do they make them anymore?

  171. Depends on what you mean by "parts". Some parts are generic and available from any sewing machine repair shop: needles, bobbin case, bobbins, shuttle all fall in that category. Replacements are manufactured for others: power cord, foot control, slide plates. The U.S. distributor, Allyn International carries instruction manuals, presser feet, and some other items. You can contact them at For some other items like stitch cams and other things not currently manufactured, ebay or a donor machine are the best possibilities. The Yahoo Necchi Sewing Machine Group has over a thousand Necchi owners and is the best source of information and used parts. -Ed

  172. I bought my Supernova Julia 534 in 1973. I paid $250 with the cabinet and alone they are now (2011) they are selling for $200 and up on ebay! Wow. By a sturdy well built metal machine and the value remains stable! It has been my only sewing machine since I stopped using my mothers old singer. I LOVE it. I used it nearly daily for all these years, learned to clean it and keep it in good running order, mostly needs oil and lint removal. It is exceptional button holes, buttons and all.

  173. Ed, I got the Necchi BU supernova wiring fixed, I got the ZZ freed up and now I need a new belt. I went to a sm shop the other day and they gave me the wrong belt, it OK for length, but was too wide for the hand wheel. Do you have a source for a new one? TIA

  174. I have a BF Mira and tons of attachments that I have no idea how to use. The only manual I have is the Greist Buttonholer.

    If this machine holds up the way everyone says, I am going to sell my $1500 electronic machine that I used exactly TWICE.

    My question is; When I purchase a manual online will it include instructions for the use of my many attachments (except the Greist)??



  175. Hi,
    I am looking at a Nicche BU. Is there more to the description that I should be looking for, like Mira or Nova? I found a manual on ebay and the picture says BU Mira and BU Nova on the cover. Are these models that used the same manuals? My other question is, is this a model that does the zig-zag stitch? I says that it was almost never used, as it was a gift for his mother and she never learned to sew. It looks new in the pictures. Not sure if it has all the pieces, or if they've been lost over the years in the storage of it. Are there many pieces to this model?
    Thanks so much for any information you can give me. I love ready this blog!

  176. So many questions, so little time! To begin with, if a Necchi model name contains "BU", it is a zig zag madel; if it contains "BF", it is straight stitch only.
    The BU and BU Nova are essentially the same and you could use the same instruction manual for both. The Mira is slightly different in that it has high and low motor speeds and often comes with a Wonderwheel attachment that makes decorative stitches. You could use a BU manual for basic sewing with a Mira but would want a Mira manual to operate the Wonderwheel.
    There are not a lot of attachments that accompany a BU, and if they are missing, would be easily replaced. The BU uses standard high shank attachments like most industrial machines. Presser feet are plentiful and not overly expensive. -Ed

  177. I just purchased a NECCHI Model BF, number under machine is 703391, can I find out where to get info on this machine and maybe when it was made. It says Made IN Italy. Tha ks for any info, I have lot od attachments and no info on how to do anything.

  178. I'm afraid I won't be much help here. When I moderated the Yahoo Necchi Sewing Machine Group, I tried to collect serial numbers and dates from other members - especially those who knew the birthdate of their machines. The closes I come to your serial number is 515571 dated 1956. I would guess your BF is slightly newer than that but I couldn't tell you how much. -Ed

  179. I Ed,

    Right now, for 50$, I can buy a Singer 403a or a Necchi Lelia 515 made in Italy.

    I want something the most durable and low maintenance product. Which one should I choose?

    Thanks !

  180. Hello what model necchi would u recomend for heavy canvas/ upholstery / sail cloth/sunbrella thanks gino

  181. What is the difference between Necchi 523 made in Taiwan and the one made in Italy?

    Is there any reason to choose one over another?

    Thanks you,


  182. hi Ed...I've got this very nice Necchi Nora that was given to me but all that came with it was one foot for regular sewing. Do you know where I can purchase a foot to do zig zag with?

    I love this machine and have had it for several years, it has become my machine to use most of the time now. I keep it well oiled, clean and a new needle put in regularly. It makes such a wonderful stitch and I enjoy sewing with it so much. Now if only I could find another foot for it!

    Thanks so much,

  183. I have a chance to get a Supernova Necchi Julia for $75. What are the questions I should ask to make sure there are no problems with it?

  184. Does anyone know where to get parts for these old Necchi machines?

  185. I just purchased a Necchi 575FA yesterday from a gentleman who services my Singer machines. I always used pre-1965 Singers and loved them. But when I used this Necchi, WOW, smooth operation, many optional stitches and very quiet. I was so impressed (and this is a Made in Taiwan machine which was maintained and serviced over the years) that he also has a Necchi BF which I am seriously thinking about going back and buying.

    My question is keeping them lubricated - from reading the posts, I'm seeing that lubrication is very important and the 575FA has been oiled heavily. Do I oil it weekly with moderate use?

    Any approximate idea when the 575 FA may have been manufactured? 70's or 80's?

    Loved reading the posts and the fact that so many love vintage sewing machines as much as I do.
    Thank you,

  186. I'm looking at a Necchi Nova NA Nora Series...built in Italy, can anyone tell me what is the differrence betwen this one and the BU (straight zig zag) or BF (straight stich) What's the NA for? thanks

  187. hello ed and congrats on the store. what an adventure!

    i'm writing because i'd like to purchase a lycia 522, yet this model seems to be a phantom - i can't find much about it anywhere. as i've already reviewed so many brands/models over the last six months, this looks like it's 'the one'...full metal, free-arm, vertical bobbin, easy to maintain, for lingerie to upholstery. of course, the prices are rising now. oy. with that noted, are there websites you would "authenticate" that offer manuals? would you be so kind as to note the differences between the 522 and 524? or something that i should be made aware of when looking for a necchi in general? thanks in advance and good luck.

  188. hello again. just writing to say i've joined the yahoo group and EVERYTHING i need to know is there. still on the lookout for the elusive lycia 522! not sure why it's not listed as a cam-free free-arm, though.

  189. Hi Ed...I really need some help!
    I have this Necchi Nora Bu and I guess it must have had the original belt on it when it was given to me a few years back. I have been sewing steadily with it recently and enjoying it so much. Well, right in the middle of a quilt project, the belt snapped off! I put on a Singer belt that I happened to have and thought it was so cool because it seemed to be working as I sewed along. Last week I again was in the middle of something and this belt broke also. I noticed that it seemed to be shaving off bits of pieces of the belt as it was going along because there are black rubber bits all over my sewing area. ARGH...this is driving me nuts. Where can I purchase the proper belt for this machine? I have gone to a few sewing machine places in my area and get only blank looks when I mention I need a belt for my vintage Necchi. All they are servicing are the brand new Berninas...sigh.... I LOVE this machine, love the stitch it makes and don't want to quit sewing on it! Can you direct me to where I can find the belt and put it on myself?
    Much appreciated,

  190. I have a Necchi BU Nova in its original desk cabinet with foot controls. It was recently serviced and a new belt. My mom has past and she would have wanted it to pass on to someone who appreciates it for its craftsmanship and quality. Please contact me as I'm selling it and moving in the next few weeks. Thank you

  191. i have just been offered a supernova ultra mark 2 with a free arm for 250 euro. I think is a bit steap, but it comes allready serviced with warrenty. Olso, i looked online but i cannot get one localy for less.
    Should i go for it?

  192. I don't know where you are, but I have only seen one free arm Supernova and I have it! I would probably not take less than $250 for mine, at today's exchange rate, 250 Euros = $318. I agree it's a bit steep but it will last a lifetime. When you compare to the price of a new plastic sewing machine that will disintegrate in 10 years, it's a bargain. -Ed

  193. pcarmitage@hotmail.com6/06/2012 7:12 AM

    My wife a necchi supernova julia built-in with cabinet. It has been used recently but I don't know the condition it is in. She doesn't want to keep the machine itself but wants to keep the cabinet. The machine is not free-standing so the cabinet is rather necessary. If anyone wants to pay a nominal price (looks to be worth $25-$50) plus shipping please answer. I'm a fan of vintage anything and hate to just scrap it...


    Does anyone know of a qualified service person in the New York City area? Please let me know.

    Mary Beth

  195. I acquired at a estate sale a necchi b-u Mira, Took it to be cleaned and had the guys fawning over how well it sewed. I need to find out which small cabinet will fit the machine or where can I get a base. If anyone knows please shoot me an email.

  196. I bought a used Necchi Model 535 and have this problem: when depressing the foot pedal the motor hums but the needle won't move. I took it back to the dealer once already and they did some "adjusting of belts" but the next time I used it (several months later) the same thing happened. I can return it again and trade it in, but when the machine works, it's good. Any advice?

  197. I don't have a clue but it sounds like maybe oil?

  198. Hello!

    I'm online looking at Necchi's (they're beautiful!). I saw the Necchi 523.07 (the one made in Italy, not Taiwan) and I'm wondering what the "name" of it is, if it has one, so I can find more information on it. Online I keep seeing Supernova and Mirella and names like that more so than model numbers. Thanks for anyone who can help!


  199. My list of descriptions doesn't give a name for the 523 but the 522 and 524 are Lycias, so I suspect the 523 is also a Lycia. -Ed

  200. husband just purchased a Necchi Supernove Automatica from an estate sale. He paid $10 for it. It is in a very nice oak cabinet, has a box full of attachments, needles, etc...everything but the manual. I have only used Singer machines over the years. I don't want to break this beautiful piece. Do you have any ugestions on where to purchase an instruction manual? Thank you, Sandy
